![Abolish the National Debt](https://www.dtss.us/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Abolish-The-National-Debt-1750x1143.jpeg)
Abolish the National Debt
America Must Abolish the National Debt. The Resources of the USA are Being Plundered by the Elite Rulers Who Have Hijacked Our Gov; It’s Time to Take Back Control.
To Abolish the National Debt would not be impossible if we had an honest, effective government. But, we do have an honest and effective DTSS U.S. Debt Discharge Program.
Our political leaders need to be concerned with more than just corporate profit from war and the enslavement of its citizens to a life of poverty to maintain control.
If American corporations concentrated on employing American citizens and kept their operations in the US, the manufacturing profits could be attributed as US GDP.
More American workers would be employed and we would avoid import costs on our own products.
Also, if American corporations paid American workers more money, citizens could save more money and spend more money on those American products that are being produced here instead of in a foreign country.
If America would stay out of the wars of other countries and stop starting and paying for various foreign wars, the debt would probably stop increasing altogether and begin to decrease annually, possibly allowing our great-grandchildren to abolish the national debt.
If elite controlled political leaders want a war, let them pay for their own war over oil and control of the same. They are the ones reaping the profits from the war and they are the ones who wanted and instigated it.
It should never be the burden of the American government and ultimately the taxpayer to fund anybody’s private corporate war.
The people that start the war should certainly not be allowed to sit back and collect billions of dollars in profits at the people’s expense while killing American citizens.
That is exactly what happened with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Both are wars that are not necessary and are doing nothing but costing American taxpayers money.
But the elite bankers who put these people in power, Obama too, are ones who profit immensely from war.
Our political leaders are their puppets who are paid very well off the spoils. The elite want more money and power in order to usher in absolute control over the US and then the entire world.
The New World Order is one central government controlled by them at the cost of our freedom.
There Shouldn’t be Debt
America has enough resources, technology and industry that it should never have to borrow money from foreign countries.
The war issue however, would probably cover the foreign debt issue.
Mostly, American politicians need to stop abusing their power and stop lying to and defrauding the American people by mishandling the duties of government and carelessly spending the taxpayer’s money in such a lavish style as if there was an endless supply.
Our leaders are more concerned with filling the banking elite’s agenda then they are with looking after the people who voted them in.
Abolish the National Debt
An end to the elitist agenda would be an end to the increasing debt as then we could stop paying for wars that steal other country’s resources at the expense of the American working class. It is obscene.
The elitist agenda will never abolish the national debt, it will only continue to increase it to the point of completely impoverishing America and destroying her people.
“When a government controls both the economic power of individuals and the coercive power of the state…
”…this violates a fundamental rule of happy living: Never let the people with all the money and the people with all the guns be the same people.”
P. J. O’Rourke