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Act on Info About a One World Government

Info About a One World Government is Kept Quiet by Elites. The Truth is Getting Out Fast and the Tides Are Turning in Favor of Revolution but We Need You!

The Illuminati is an enormously rich group of people that runs mainstream media, education systems, banks, governments, etc.

This group of powerful conspirators is made up mostly of international bankers and owners of most of the wealth one Earth today.

Much of the info about a One World Government is part of this plan to maintain and spread the domination of this cartel.

It is the idea that a single UN like structure will interpret and enforce international law.

The rule of ancient Greeks and Romans manifested the same idea of creating a global government to maintain peace between nations.

Meetings called International Peace Congresses held in Europe occurred every other year beginning in 1843.

They later stopped because of the outbreaks of wars. Although no world government has ever existed, there have been many attempts that actually included the majority of the known world.

The single closest time was under the British Empire which ruled a quarter of the land surface and roughly a third of the population on the planet.

There have also been a few unsuccessful attempts, the most memorable being the Hague Conferences which did not stop World War I and the League of Nations which failed to stop World War II.

The Almighty Dollar

In order to gain total control of money, control would first have to be gained over the people, especially those in debt.

This info about a One World Government unmasks the role of personal debt to the banks.

It is a way to gain control of the population through their finances and liabilities to these fat cats.

Governments sell assets and tax citizens in large part to repay the debt.

Evidence that this new system is coming would be the rising globalization scheme in which local law is submissive to a new emergent corporate trade rulebook. Disputes are settled in new trade courts.

Consumerism and Bankruptcy Promoted

A popular method of control is to convince the majority of the people that the most important thing in life is to make money and spend it on unnecessary things.

All of their info about a One World Government says that making money is easy and profitable, meanwhile most small businesses go bankrupt.

Some religious and secular conspiracy theorists believe that the Surveillance Industrial Complex will usher in the New World Order.

The info about a One World Government reveals that this will be accomplished by using social security numbers, bar coding, and RFID tagging.

The All Seeing Eye

Authors and advocates Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre wrote Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID, from a Christian perspective.

They compare surveillance technology to the Mark of the Beast from the biblical book of Revelations.

New World Order conspiracy theorists contend that the most prominent families in the world such as the DuPonts, the Bush family, and the Saudi Royal family are suspected as members along with the Rockefellers.

Even some modern Popes have been thought to play a role.

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