Active Free Energy Sources
Active Free Energy Can Free America. The US & the World Are Enslaved to the Fossil Fuel Paradigm Which Enriches Dirty Elites & Keeps People Struggling to Buy Dirty Energy.
Finding active free energy sources is essential for the United States if this country is going to live as it has in the past, but big energy corporations are standing in the way with powerful lobbyists.
Energy consultants and analysts estimate, in ten years time, America should be creating all its own electricity with both carbon-free and renewable energy.
Not only is this necessary from an environmental standpoint but also for economic and political reasons.
As countries such as China demand more oil, oil supplies won’t be able to meet the demand and will start to deplete even faster than they already are.
If the United States wants to end its dependence on oil from the Middle East, the use of renewable energy sources is crucial and can’t be avoided for much longer, but the political juggernaut that has been pouring massive wealth into select pockets will have to be overcome, like the Bush family and others.
The United States government needs to develop policies that are going to reduce carbon dioxide emissions as well as provide funding for the research and development of active free energy sources.
Energy is vital to all segments of the United States economy, encompassing industries, businesses, and every individual American citizen.
The energy crisis in this country will only worsen and no one will be exempt from feeling the pressures of rising energy costs amid a diminishing supplies.
And, it is important to realize that the energy crisis is contrived and controlled by puppets of the global elite who initiate instability in order to offer a perception of stability, while raking in huge profits and tighter control in the process.
America’s Energy Crisis
In July of 2008, Al Gore delivered a speech titled “A Generational Challenge to Repower America;” he was publically challenging Americans to become energy independent from Middle Eastern oil supplies and focus on re-powering itself with active free energy sources such as solar, wind and geothermal generated energy while working for the same global elite who own the oil.
Gore reasoned that America had no other choice and the outcome would be a country that was not only self sustaining for its own energy but that we would be a nation that was ready to lead the rest of the world into the 21st century.
Not only do Americans need to encourage the research and development of alternative renewable energy sources, they need to come up with strategies that increase the diversity and supply of these energy sources so that Americans are provided with lower energy costs, and it needs to be wrested from government’s hands.
Obama Recognize Energy Crisis
In his recent speech to Congress in January of 2009, Obama has shown Americans that he recognizes the United States is facing an energy crisis and something needs to be done immediately to protect the environment and to allow this country to become energy independent.
Obama stated that finding active free energy sources is fundamental to the future of all Americans and that dependence on foreign oil is one of the most serious threats we face, all while in service to the global elite who control the oil and the economy:
“At a time of such great challenge for America, no single issue is as fundamental to our future as energy. America’s dependence on oil is one of the most serious threats that our nation has faced.
”It bankrolls dictators, pays for nuclear proliferation and funds both sides of our struggle against terrorism.”
– President Barack Obama
“It puts the American people at the mercy of shifting gas prices, stifles innovation, and sets back our ability to compete.
”These urgent dangers to our national and economic security are compounded by the long-term threat of climate change, which, if left unchecked, could result in violent conflict, terrible storms, shrinking coastlines, and irreversible catastrophe.”
– President Barack Obama, January 2009
Importance of Energy Independence
The words energy independence have been heard for a few years now but never have they held so much meaning.
With a new administration in the White House, Americans want to believe that changes are coming and they did the right thing by voting Obama into the president’s office, unaware that it is the elite who put presidents in office, not the voters.
The United States government needs to commit to providing this country with clean energy so that its citizens can become independent from the limited supply of oil.
Focusing on issues like renewable active free energy, the United States will be spending less time and money on fighting the war on terror, a war that was all the Bush administration seemed to want to address.
Eyes are now on Obama to see what changes he will make and if he is actually as concerned and focused on environmental and economic issues as he says he is.
And yet the truly intelligent will stop relying on government to solve their problems, realizing government is in the hands of the elite; how are we not interested in the individual, but in their person wealth and power?
It is time to take responsibility for your own life and well-being; your government has other concerns.