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Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients will Kill

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients will Kill

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Are Full of Dangers. People Blindly Obey Doctors’ Orders and Put Dangerous Big Pharma Chemicals Into Their Bodies.

Active pharmaceutical ingredients are poisons. These ingredients actually poison the brain.

They alter the chemistry of the brain and change how we respond to stimuli.

All the better for psychiatrists because the alteration of our brain’s chemistry makes it appear as though we are only having an increase in symptoms.

In cases like these, there’s only one (profitable) solution for the psychiatrist-prescribe more drugs.

They push us to believe we will never live a normal life without this prescription drug.

We end up on the drug for most of our lifetime, out of touch with reality to the degree we have to fight the side effects in an ongoing battle for health.

The withdrawal reactions from the active pharmaceutical ingredients are minimized.

They try to avoid any reference to withdrawal as that would admit to the fact that these drugs are addictive.

However, withdrawal without very careful supervision by a qualified doctor can exhibit worse manifestations than what you were taking the drug for in the first place.

When we realize that the government is basically in a kind of partnership with the drug companies in pushing new drugs to market, we can begin to wonder what sort of society we really have going here.

What we have is a society of druggies, with the supplier being one of the drug companies and the dealer is the government.

Big Bucks in Sick People

Television advertisements show us laughing and happy. We are encouraged to believe them because they have taken a prescription drug.

Psychiatric drugs are pushed continually for depression. People take it to mean that when you feel down, you can get a pill to make you feel better.

Convincing us that pills are a solution to all our problems, the drug company advertisements are simply selling sickness.

They are bombarding us with constant reminders that our life isn’t all it should be, and to make it better, we just need a little pill to make everything all right again.

What a lie it is, and what a crime! But there’s a lot of money in sick people. In fact, there are billions in the drug industry.

The sicker we are, the more bucks for the drug makers. Illnesses are now mainstreamed by heavy promotion of all the maladies that people suffer from occasionally.

The drug company’s answer? A pill! Now we have the additional concern of the active pharmaceutical ingredients in our drugs being manufactured overseas.

When drugs are made abroad, we don’t have the control over production as needed to ensure the safety of the ingredients. Lack of regulation leaves the door open for disruptions of all kinds.

When you think about it, it isn’t like the drug companies MUST outsource to save money.

They have billions. Perhaps advertising is just more important to them than public health.

If our well-being were important to them, they would do more to warn us of the dangers of the pharmaceutical ingredients.

If Drugs aren’t a Solution, what is?

There are so many bad side effects from the active pharmaceutical ingredients of the drugs we use that it would be better to deal with our depression through means we devise ourselves.

Whether you are aware of it or not, diet and exercise are a very effective cure for depression and a great way to prevent illness.

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