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Album Art for iTunes

Album Art for Itunes was Created to Keep the Masses Preoccupied as the Criminal Elite Circulate Harmful Vaccinations.

Album art for iTunes: the latest craze to hit the world’s youth market and to further cover up the evil agenda of the global elite.

While the internet is flooded with information about how users can get album art for their personal iTunes library, the world is being plunged into a dark future by the global elite.

The big fallacy spread by the elite is that 85% of the U.S. population needs to be vaccinated in order to prevent flu and other related illnesses; in truth, this is part of their global depopulation scheme to regulate what they call ”an overpopulated world”.

This twisted agenda involves the use of neurotoxins in vaccinations including lethal mixes that contain mercury.

These cocktail vaccines are a new form of sterilization marking a modern-day elitist eugenics program.

The concept of population control via the distribution of toxic vaccinations was introduced by Henry Kissinger, a prominent member of the criminal elite, in 1974.

His National Security Study Memorandum 200 laid out a malevolent plot to covertly inject contraceptives into females.

This top-secret document was the inception of a long-term plan to alter fertility trends via man-made methods, which is essentially a silent genocide targeted at ‘undesirable’ population groups.

Something as petty as art for iTunes is occupying the thoughts of Americans, while the pharmaceutical moguls succeed in killing off millions.

Why Concentrate on Album Art for iTunes when the Populace is Receiving Harmful Vaccinations?

These vaccinations that have been dispersed by multinationals identify the third world as their bull’s eye target.

Thus the developing world is under the impression that it is on the receiving end of a philanthropic cause, yet it is being swindled, poisoned, and made infertile.

This mass eugenics plan also makes use of pesticides and genetic engineering in order to kill off unwanted genes and people – just as Orwell predicted in his fictitious, yet ironic, novel 1984.

At the latest U.S. national voting session, the pharmaceutical industry took advantage of the opportunity and infiltrated the occasion to issue people with flu vaccinations.

Essentially, this was the global elite killing two birds with one stone: not only did the electorate vote in one of the puppet presidents shortlisted by the elite, but they also surrendered themselves as guinea pigs, receiving poisonous vaccinations that in effect, will destroy their immunities.

Album Art for iTunes: An Illusion to Keep Us Disengaged

The elite have been using every means necessary to visually distract us from this forced population reduction and they are doing a sterling job, given the enormous number of iTunes downloads each day.

The fact is that the entire consumerist culture and the iTunes frenzy that has preoccupied most young people on the planet, are carefully manufactured distractions purposefully presented to us by the global elite.

By cultivating a passive, submissive mass, they can control our thinking while issuing unsafe vaccinations – which ultimately furthers their plot of global depopulation.

Album art for iTunes serves as a prominent segment of this entertainment culture, keeping us preoccupied for hours at a time.

We need to put our iPods aside for a moment and contemplate what can be done to resist this atrocity that has been devised by the pharmaceutical giants.

They care about nothing more than achieving world domination.

A Big Brother world state is now at its most thriving stage, and it is up to us to ignore the illusions being forced upon us and to take a stand for democracy.

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