All About Family Values in America
Revolution is all About Family Values. The New World Order Seeks to Destroy the Family Unit so Children Will be Easily Enslaved by Government Control Agendas.
The most important pillar of society is all about family values and communities that focus on these values.
American families prosper and grow in this positive environment.
Nearly all religions around the world have a built in set of family values that are surprisingly similar to the values throughout our world’s cultures.
Some aspects are universal in scope, such as the fact that a man and a woman can create a child together, forming the basis of any family unit in any culture of the world.
The point of having a set of family values is so these families can be guided by a set of simple laws of nature that would prevent them from suffering unnecessary fates.
When learning all about family values, it becomes apparent that these values were intended to serve a practical purpose, to prevent common catastrophes which befall most all families if they are not careful to avoid them.
One common rule among many cultures around the world is that when a man and woman pledge themselves to each other to create a family, they are not allowed to mate with anyone else outside of that unit.
Many believe these values are being stripped away from people of all cultures by governments in order to remove the strength of the family and replace it with a new kind of family: the government family.
All About Family Values
Traditional marriage is slightly different among every culture, but many hallmarks are the same.
In some cultures, a man is only allowed to marry one wife, and in others, a man can marry multiple wives.
In many historical cultures, the practice of selling children into marriage for economic gain was commonplace.
In a discussion all about family values however, it is important to realize family values do not dictate exactly what the structure of a family should be like, but rather the way family members should treat each other.
Most values center around honesty, respect, honor and loving one another rather than dictating the details of exactly how a marriage should be held or what laws govern its limitations.
Controversy Over Family Values?
Most of the controversies about family values are misleading and divisive, intended to put people along the lines of liberal or conservative and thus control their opinion.
The truth about family values is many people are not seeking to push their values on others, but rather are upset because their freedom to practice their values is being stripped away from them by an oppressive government.
The mainstream media claims it knows all about family values. However, it is part of the problem and not the solution.
The solution is to stop allowing the media and the political parties to dictate the agenda and hijack every issue in the nation as they always have.
The real controversy is that the subject has been derailed by ignorant vitriol and banter and hijacked by people with an agenda.
Family Values Modern World
All people in the world today are the result of the union between a male and a female.
Due to recent developments in science, however, many political activists are considering making reproductive rights require a permit and be illegal without one.
They have many reasons for this and all of them are misleading and uninformed. There is not a good reason to prevent reproductive rights.
When arguing all about family values, many people fail to forget their values are being stripped from them and their lives are going to be legislated to the point that sex becomes a government sanctioned activity.
Perhaps like in Demolition Man, it could become banned altogether and people could be created purely from science in laboratories.