American are Deciding to Home School Children in Light of the Faulty Education System
The Decision to Home School Made Easier by The Underhanded Action of The Government.
The government has their hand in the cookie jar again and this time they are trying to establish a hold on your children.
With the government in control the only option that remains is to home school your children for their continued safety and education.
Since the government has taken over the school system the quality of education has gone down the drain.
Children are dropping out of schools at an alarming rate and the ones that are graduating do not have a sufficient enough education to continue to college.
This all seems to be part of the government’s plans for your children, which is why people need to home school.
The first step in their master plan was to create a society where the majority of school graduates would not be able to continue education because of poor quality of the school system.
They are force feeding your children systematic rules that could only be present in a police state and if your children do not obey their rules, they will face corporal punishment.
All at the hands of the people that are supposed to be molding them into upstanding individuals.
The school system today is more intent on getting positive test results than the education that they are supposed to be giving your children.
This is the only reason you should need to home school your child.
The second step in the government’s plans for your has already begun in the No Child Left Behind Act.
With the writing of this act the government is up to their old tricks of burying information in lengthy bills, in this case 670 pages, that will enable them to gain further control of the nation.
Written into the act is a provision that the government will have all of your child’s information including birth date, social security number and address.
The military will have all of the information they will need to contact and recruit your child for the army that the government wants to create for an eventual police state in America.
They are already using the majority of armed forces in the United States for wars that Bus created with his lies to the nation and they are in desperate need of additional troops.
Are you willing to let the government have your child for their plans?
Video Surveillance in Schools
The current government has also placed closed circuit television cameras in your child’s school.
This is just one more way that they can know detailed about your children that even you do not know.
They are keeping tabs on your children to eventually utilize them for their underhanded plans.
They have already created over 200 prisons that are being kept empty for the eventual police state they want to create in America.
They need troops to run these concentration camps and your children are being recruited.
Your Child, Your Educational Standards
Your child deserved the best education that they can receive from people who actually care about their futures.
You are the only person that can give them this education. It is time to home school your children for their best interest.