American Counsel on Education Questions
The American Counsel on Education Promotes Socialism.
The American Counsel on Education is brainwashing American children in the public school system.
The global elite have taken over the public school system, dragging high achievers down. Servitude is what our children are taught.
The high school scores of twelfth graders is so pathetic, one should wonder why since over six thousand dollars is spent on each child’s education in the public school system.
In comparison, private schools and people who home school their children spend only one thousand dollars each year for each child and get phenomenal academic results.
Something is wrong with this picture and when parents complain, they are met with resistance and are told that they probably are the only complainers.
The media buys into the cover up of this by not crediting what the citizen who is well informed may think about this matter.
Even when documentation is presented that confirms that the system is flawed, it is met with rejection and claim to be out of context.
Children have an intellectual freedom that is being shot down and taken from them at these legislative hearings for the American counsel on education.
The voice of their parents is drowned out by loud mouths who are trying to cover up the truth about the education system in America.
Rewarded for Being Correct
Children should know that there is a free will to make choices and yet their education choices are being made for them in the public schools. Children are taught like animals and not intellectual individuals.
The curriculum uses Pavolovian/Skinnerian methods to teach children, which means they are only rewarded if they get the answer correctly.
This could never be a demonstration of freedom of education. They are only allowed to speak up if there is a positive reward given for a correct answer.
The idea of outcome based education in the public school system spells socialization in its purest form and using behavior modification to teach American children shows that the system is void of individualism and more out of personality changes.
The American counsel on education is not addressing these issues because it is too far gone possibly and children are already brainwashed by the system.
Getting into the Mind of the Child
Schools will create assignments to divulge information from the child’s home about the parents, their values, and what they like or dislike.
This is an attempt to modify the child’s values and make them conducive to what the government wants.
This is a violation of the child’s freedom and an invasion of the privacy of American citizens who send their children to school to learn and not to give private information about their family.
The school uses that information to form their own opinion about the child and to have the child confirm to the rules that have been set in place for each child.
The American counsel on education would deny such a claim because it would tarnish their image.
There are so many social programs in the school system that are labeled drug education, sex education, health education and critical thinking, which is only hiding behind the real knowledge that children should learn.