American Education Funding from Taxpayers; Greedy Elites Come Out Ahead!
Despite American Education Funding From Taxpayers, Children’s Minds Are Being Destroyed!
As the escalating cost of American education funding gets harder to afford, parents business owners are finding out they are not getting their money’s worth.
For example, many young adults that graduate high school can barely sign their name, let alone read well enough to perform basic tasks.
At the same time, the prevalence of drug use and violent tendencies is enough to make any employer wonder if they can trust new graduates.
In some cases, even the military does not want to take on the liability associated with these young adults.
Today, only a relatively small group of ivory tower elites benefit from American education funding.
In most cases, they cannot be removed from their jobs, even though they are causing an egregious amount of harm to young people, and this nation.
These elites are free to spread all kinds of lies, and gain access to research grants that further promote harmful agendas.
Some have even gone so far as to lie about the progress they are making in terms of curing cancer by using gene therapy.
If they lie about these things, there is nothing to stop them from lying about the results obtained from studying alternative healing methods and natural cures.
Overall, many elites have a vision of exterminating the masses so that they can live in a perfect, utopian society.
Therefore, it is, and always will be in their best interest to spread misinformation as quickly as possible.
Perhaps it should come as no surprise these people want access to toddlers and preschoolers in order to prevent them from learning how to think for themselves.
On the other hand, there is no question that consumers and business owners are trying to survive in a very unhealthy economy. T
his, in turn is bound to spur both parties to look for ways to ensure that children are no longer put through a system that attempts to turn out brainwashed and useless zombies.
While the American education funding system has been harnessed to serve the exclusive needs of the elite, it is still possible to put them back at the bottom of society where they belong.
Freeing the American Mind
Today, home schooling is the only way to ensure that a child gains access to a good education without being brainwashed.
In addition, it is the only way to ensure all that young people do not come in contact with incompetent teachers that rely on Ritalin to keep the class under control.
Fortunately, anyone with a bachelor’s degree can find a way to home school their children, and make sure that the next generation has a better chance of gaining all the best things in life.
The Importance of Changing the Education System
Over the years, education has been touted as the premier method for getting ahead in life.
As the jobs meant for Americans were sent overseas, it became even more important to boost American education funding.
That said, many people did not realize that a group of communist elites were taking steps to use education tax dollars to make sure that American capitalism would die within just a few decades.