American Fascist Party Elite
The American Fascist Party Has Created the New World Order. As the Police State Tightens the Grip of Oppression in the US, Americans Are Standing Up to Tyranny.
Governments around the world are influenced by the American Fascist Party, and that influence is most apparent when governments are broken down and then rebuilt.
The United States breaks governments down and then they rebuild. They use fascism and call it democracy.
The totalitarian rule wants to be completely involved in everyone’s lives, thus allowing no political freedom whatsoever in the United States and countries around the world.
The elite do not want individualism and instead they force government control to the fullest degree.
America is subject to an ongoing political war that rages between the socialist, fascist and communist groups.
It is the citizens of the country that are stuck in the middle of this war.
The American Fascist party constantly hides under the democratic and republican parties and through their politics, they work to destroy small businesses and push the middle class down so they end up in poverty.
As the fascist party rises to power, the elite benefit from it with both money and power, making them an unstoppable force.
They try to keep everyone under their watchful eye, creating a political uproar, which is very harmful to an individual’s belief system.
The real intension of the elite is rather disturbing; slowly they are forcing everyone to end up under one rule of power.
The American Fascist Party is working toward a New World Order and they are being patient as they lay the groundwork to get the NWO started.
They know the people of the United States will not respond to fascism immediately and thus they put Obama in power so he could start up a socialist form of government.
After socialism is put into place, the fascist party will then work toward fascism.
When that happens, they will be able to move forward with the New World Order as they will then have complete and total control over the people.
Fascism and the Elite
The elite are fascist in nature as they know they can gain control through fascism.
They know they can get what they want by using fascism and therefore it is the system they use. They want to have the power and fascism is power.
They believe they are the righteous, which is something that is necessary for fascism.
The American Fascist Party was founded by people who held the belief they were better than everyone else.
With that belief, they control the people and trample on their basic human rights.
Fascism and Socialism
Right now, Obama is in office, and he is a socialist. When Obama implements his socialist agenda, the nation will be one step closer to fascism.
That is because socialism leads to fascism. Without socialism, there would not be fascism.
Socialism does not work, and when it fails, the people revolt. After the revolt, fascism takes over. It is a natural progression.
The elite are using socialism as a way to get to fascism and they are well on their way to fulfilling their agenda.
The New World Order
”We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
– James Paul Warburg
The New World Order is coming. Will you be ready?