American Psychiatric Association Publications
American Psychiatric Association Publications Includes the DSM, a Manual Discussing Mental Diseases and Suggestions for Medicating Patients.
American Psychiatric Association publications include the infamous and controversial Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
It’s commonly known as the DSM. This particular publication is insidious in its composition.
Known as the APA’s billing bible, the DSM is used to determine insurance reimbursements.
However, the “mental disorders” listed in this manual are simply chosen by a vote by members of the APA.
They can remove them if they turn out to be some trouble, like the one deeming homosexuality as a mental illness.
So, the “illnesses” listed in the manual are really the results of a political process, as well as a way to make money.
A complete lack of science supports any of the mental problems listed in the manual. There are no tests that show disorders even exist.
The names are indiscriminately made up to label behavior someone finds not within some “norm.” Judgments on mental disorders, therefore, come from just a decision based on this manual.
And, since none of the disorders are anything but a subjective view by another human being, anyone using the manual can fit any living person into one or more of the categories. It’s all a matter of independent decision.
The Harm of Made-Up Illnesses
This, the most harmful of any of the American Psychiatric Association publications, is used to diagnose children and adults.
With the wide scope of the definitions within the book, anyone who simply feels depressed because they lost their house could be diagnosed as “mentally ill” and prescribed drugs.
The implementation of screening all kids in our country will result in the wide use of the DSM.
Questions asked are general and misleading, and answers can be neatly fit into some category ending with the child being labeled then stigmatized.
The APA is pushing screening because it could result in big financial profits.
The DSM, this most used of all American Psychiatric Association publications, will create havoc in our society. It allows for the control and manipulation of the American public.
The DSM is used in decisions to force a parent to drug a child and to take a child from his or her parents with criminal charges if drugging is refused.
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights US president has said that this pseudo-scientific document contains a horrible power to damage lives.
He also says it rakes in about $76 billion each year in drug sales. Further studies show that drug manufacturers funded psychiatrists who defined the disorders in the manual.
They Want Your Money, Not Your Health
Financial gains are high with this most harmful of American Psychiatric Association publications, the DSM.
All the people who were on DSM panels who were overseeing various disorders were financially involved with drug companies.
Sales of antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs in 2004 exceeded $34.7 billion. We must protest and do away with this most horrendous scam.
We must support the grassroots movements that are determined to change this dreadful course of events and put truth back into our world.
We need to deal with our problems and not let ourselves fall into the hands of the psychiatric vultures.