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An Automobile Global Positioning System

Sure, an Automobile Global Positioning System Gets the Job Done, but Who Else is Watching the Journey? We Are Now Living in a New World Order Police State.

Automobile global positioning system technology has become very popular.

Many Americans couldn’t find their way to their mother’s house without the little device perched on the dash helpfully piping away to let them know where to turn.

But most Americans don’t realize the many uses for a GPS.

Ever since the devices first hit the market, they have proven remarkably popular as citizens discover what the military has been using for decades to get around the world.

An automobile global positioning system can reduce or eliminate the need for local knowledge of the terrain as one can simply rely on the satellite constellations circling above to track down the best route between point A and point B.

Yet these popular tools were not originally designed for widespread civilian usage and questions remain about their dual applications as military tracking devices and civilian “just get there already” toys.

One thing is certain, and that is that the same tool that can figure out how to get between here and Mom’s house could just as easily also share information about how often that trip is taken and what time of day it happens to anyone with a receiver and interest.

That friendly automobile global positioning system could very well also be the eyes of any well organized government agency that could deeply desired tracking information about civilians.

Most people have them on anytime they are in the car; the sheer convenience of it all is just too much to resist.

Not so Cute

Realizing that an automobile global positioning system is not always as cute as its advertising is a hard thing.

Most Americans don’t like to think about the darker side of life at all, preferring to live in a world where everything is good and happy, and there is no reason for the government to spy on citizens.

Besides, there are so many people moving about the country that it would be impossible to track everybody, right?

Who has those kinds of resources? Who has that kind of time? Have you checked out a military budget lately?


It does seem a bit alarmist to imply that the ultimate aim of the government is to monitor the movements of all citizens and to do it via the automobile global positioning system in their car.

But there is no denying the capability exists if that’s what was needed.

As with the warrantless wiretapping scandal, when a capability exists, there is no reason not to suspect that the government won’t try to use it.

LoJack, a vehicle recovery system based on GPS tools, already allows the government to monitor the movements of all government vehicles.

It’s not that odd to imagine it moving to the broader civilian world. T

hus, fans of  the automobile global positioning system need to balance the undeniable convenience of the units with the risk that they could be used against individuals as tracking tools.

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