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Are European Union Institutions Undemocratic and Obsolete?

Are European Union Institutions Undemocratic And a Threat to The Civil Liberties?

Are EU institutions undemocratic and unjust?

The answer on this question can be differentiating from person to person but in most cases people will answer: yes, they are.The European Union has 27 members.

These countries are all democratic and are used to having a chance to vote, elect and a chance for public referendum.

That’s what democracy is for the people of Europe, a chance to say what they mean, a chance to vote for their president and the parliament.

Many people felt oppressed by the European Treaty also known as the Lisbon Treaty and the entire system of power in the European Union when they realized that their opinion doesn’t really matter.

Are European Union institutions undemocratic? Yes, because the majority of people voted ”no” to enter the EU and somebody, somehow permuted that no into a yes.

What we have here is a typical media charade with a lot of fireworks and crackers and the EU officials which are hiding behind the curtain of democracy, doing what they please with the public.

This is where the democracy ended and the tyranny began.

The European Treaty was an act of false declaration of many rules and laws that people of Europe have to follow in their own country without even a chance to give their opinion in a form of a vote.

So basically, rules and laws were already made without hearing the people’s voices. The members of the European Union have all send a delegation to the different European Union institutions.

The average Joe’s don’t even know who actually is representing them in the European Union institutions but they do know how great it is to finally be in the EU.

Where it is all Going?

Are European Union institutions undemocratic? Since the formation of the EU until today, everything about it was undemocratic.

Nobody is asking for the opinion of the public when the European Union institutions create new laws and rules related to energy supplies, criminal justice, sport, transport, national health services and many other rules and laws that have to be obeyed in all the countries that are a member of the EU.

More rules and laws are made every day without you even knowing about it. It all is going in the direction of the one world government, the world’s most manipulative device ever made.

The device that’s going to destroy liberty of the people and their constitutional rights.

It is going to destroy the freedom of movement, the freedom of speech and thought by brainwashing the public’s minds through polluted media.

It already has a rule over our lives even though many people are not aware still of this fact.

When everyone becomes aware it is going to be very late to reverse the process.

Are European Union Institutions Undemocratic and are They Destroying Our Integrity?

Are European Union institutions undemocratic and hermetic?

The answer to this question is again yes. They are working against the people and not in their favor and they are working behind the closed doors.

They are leading as far off anything that we ever thought of as being democratic and this isn’t just the case in Europe.

It is the future of the United States as well with the upcoming of the North American Union. Peace and prosperity?

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