Are the Bilderbergers Jewish?
Why Are the Bilderbergers Jewish?
Many people have pondered the question are the Bilderbergers Jewish.
The Bilderberg group – a shadowy cadre of bankers and politicians – holds annual conferences to which it invites world luminaries with no apparent Jewish connections.
This, however, is a smokescreen. The hard-core members of the Bilderberg movement are top-level Jewish bankers.
This driving force behind the Bilderbergers’ objective of creating a New World Order is like a Who’s Who of international finance.
Those involved in organising the Bilderberg group’s 2008 conference reportedly included Ben Shalom Bernanke, boss of the US Federal Reserve Bank, and James Wolfensohn, an ex-World Bank President.
At least one leading clergyman believes that the answer to the question, are the Bilderbergers Jewish, is a resounding Yes.
When the Bilderbergers got together in May 2009 in Greece, the Bishop of Piraeus condemned them as a Satan-worshipping criminal cabal of world Zionism hell-bent on creating a world dictatorship.
There is something else that points to Bilderberg’s Zionist links. Just 12 hours after Barack Obama secured the presidential nomination he rushed off to speak to a major US pro-Israeli lobby.
That speech, to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), has been described as obsequious and fawning. It certainly raised a few eyebrows in the Arab world.
Obama’s almighty haste to pay homage to American Jews doesn’t come as too surprising when you consider the President’s background.
There is nothing to suggest Obama was present at the Bilderbergers’ 2009 conference but he sent along some of his top aides to the get-together, and there is certainly evidence to suggest he was at the 2008 Bilderberg gathering to report to his Zionist Bilderberg masters.
Are the Bilderbergers Jewish? What do you think?
Obama is Bilderberger’s Man
In fact, Obama was groomed from a young age by the Bilderbergers. Right now, Obama is fulfilling the destiny that was created by the Bilderbergers.
He was hand picked to go to the White House and now he’s just a puppet on a string.
The Bilderbergers always like to have their own man in the White House. Obama is merely the latest in a long line of them.
This is an indication of just how mighty and influential the Bilderbergers are. They control the most powerful man in the world – the President of the USA.
Controlling the Economy
He who pays the piper calls the tune, and Obama has to sing for his supper from the Jewish bankers.
Not only do the Bilderberg bankers control the President, they also hold world finances in a vice-like grip.
If you want to control the world, you first need to control its economy, and they achieved that particular goal a long time ago in their quest to bring about an ‘end of nations’.
Building a Global Empire
When the Bilderbergers have finally achieved their aim of breaking down society they will set about building their New World Order, a totalitarian dictatorship in which a handful of the elite have total control of the masses.
Who better to build this new global nation than the Jewish people? They have had plenty of practice, having created the state of Israel out of nothing.
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