Are the Fundamentals of Democracy Good?
The Fundamentals of Democracy Are Forced On Us By the Government, But They Are Flawed, Deceptive and Harmful to Society.
The fundamentals of democracy are that the majority rule, and it results in a mobocracy, the minority’s rights are unjustly trampled, there is a communistic negating of property rights and discontent and anarchy reigns.
The fundamentals of a republic are that its authority is derived from election by the people of public officials best suited to represent them, its administers justice according to fixed principles and it avoids the extremes of tyranny and mobocracy.
In light of these fundamental principles, which one do you prefer, a democracy or a republic?
The latter is fundamentally sound in its principles, and it is what was established by the founding fathers of our great nation.
In fact, the founders of America made sure to warn against democracy, stating that it would certainly fail and degenerate into worse forms of governance.
America is already living testament to this fact.
The war in Iraq has been fought against the will of the public and in violation of the UN charter that forbids aggressive war.
Our government has committed high crimes against our constitution by eavesdropping on countless American citizens, torturing detainees and surreptitiously passing legislation that makes the declaration of martial law easier.
Tyranny prevails in America just as our founders predicted it would.
The Fundamentals of Democracy
“It has been observed that a pure Democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government.
“Experience has proved that no position is more false than this.
“The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government.
“Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.”
– Alexander Hamilton.
The move towards democracy in America has only been made possible by disregarding the Constitution.
The Constitution limits the power of national and federal government and does not allow Congress to pass any law that it chooses.
Only laws that are constitutional are meant to be passed.
The Patriot Act showcases the fundamentals of democracy, as it is a glaring violation of the Constitution by Congress.
Our Founding Fathers Established America on the Fundamentals of a Republic
The fundamental principles that govern a republic are based on the unassailable principles of right and wrong.
The founders of our great nation established a republic so that our country would not be governed by the unpredictable feelings and emotions of the majority.
The founders also laid out in the constitution that it is the right of the people to abolish and institute a new government if it becomes destructive of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The fundamentals of democracy are upheld in our country because our government does not wish to be challenged or have its power checked in any way.
Our country was intended to be a republic. The founders knew the precarious nature of democracy.
Tyranny is the ultimate outcome and it seems that we are already living under a large measure of it.