Auto Bailout Conditions Set by Congress
Auto Bailout Conditions Were Only Designed to Make it Look Like Government Was Looking Out For the Taxpayer Who Ultimately Would be Paying the Bill.
The DTSS U.S. review of placing auto bailout conditions on the money being provided by the taxpayer looks impressive doesn’t it, except before the ink was dry the Big 3 auto companies were already renegotiating those conditions.
How you might ask. Well it was really quite simple. You see there is this little tool called blackmail, in which Chrysler, GM, and Ford all threaten that if the money isn’t forthcoming in the manner in which they desire then they’ll go bankrupt and thousands will loose their jobs.
And of course the government doesn’t want that to happen so what do they do? Back down of course.
Let’s stop for a minute here, because the only one that’s being shafted here is the every day taxpayer.
The government knows perfectly well what they are doing as does the auto industry and at the end of the day they will receive exactly what they want not because they blackmailed the government but because the auto industry and government are working together behind closed doors.
The big question here is why should you have to pay to bailout an industry that’s been failing for years and only now has a great escape by blaming it all on the economy.
If you managed a company with the same skill that these CEO’s and upper managers have managed the auto industry would you still be employed?
Of course not. And yet not only are all these guys still employed, they are receiving bailouts for their inability to do their job.
Will the Auto Bailout Conditions Break the Deal
Of course not because at the end of the day the government and congress will provide GM, Ford, and Chrysler with as much money as they need, regardless of conditions or original amounts.
When they come back looking for more handouts they’ll get them because the banking industry, big business, and the government are all working together.
The auto bailout conditions are really only there to appease taxpayers and stop them from voicing their objections to such a ridiculous fiasco.
By making it appear that they are placing restrictions and conditions on the bailout they can provide our money to these giant companies without too much of a fuss from us.
The Auto Makers Knew They Needed to Change Back in the 1970’s
The problems with GM, Chrysler and Ford are not recent. They go back to the late 1970’s. In fact, Chrysler was bailed out in 1979. The automakers were in trouble long before this economic crisis.
Back in the 1970’s they decided to keep making big cars and let the Japanese manufacturers make the small cars. Why would they do that when fuel prices were on the rise and small cars were clearly in demand?
Because it is in the big cars that the real profits are and that’s what the greedy CEO’s were after, even though workers begged them to get involved in the small car market.
The CEO’s Lose Nothing as a Result of Auto Bailout Conditions
If you were on the brink of bankruptcy what would you do? Would you not begin to sell off some of your assets, pay down debt, and restructure your budget?
Of course. So why do these three auto giants have to do nothing of the sort?
Why are the CEO’s still flying around in private company jets rather than taking much cheaper commercial flights, and why have none of them lost their jobs because they are incapable of managing and foreseeing trends in the auto industry thereby taking them to the brink of failure.
Why do none of these companies have to sell of any of their subsidiaries to help cover their debts.
Why are they not being forced to sell assets such as the company jets, and why are they not forced to liquidate their inventory before the taxpayer lands up paying for their inadequacies?
When you mismanage your company or your home finances is such a manner do you think anyone is coming to bail you out?
This entire auto bailout can be described as nothing more than another government and big business fiasco. Criminal is what it really is!