Automotive Bailouts Today
Automotive Bailouts are Typical for a Growing Fascist State. In the Name of Helping Business, the NWO Rulers Help Themselves to Control Over All Commerce and Enslave Us.
The collapse of the car industry was designed such that automotive bailouts would transfer the people’s wealth to industry.
Behind this bailout is an illegal banking cartel. These bailouts are an invention of the rich at the expense of the poor.
Their members have infiltrated all branches of government and industry in an attempt to gain total global rule.
The auto industry is one of the only big productive manufacturing industries in the United States. It provides well paid jobs directly and indirectly to hundreds of thousands of Americans.
The banks and securities firms are parasitic institutions that suck money out of the pockets of the American people and into the bank accounts of the rich.
So then why is it the banking bailout comes with few or no strings attached, while the auto industry executives are conditioned and even forced to extract givebacks from organized labor in order to be eligible?
The answer is simple. The banks control U.S. monetary policy, as well as US politicians with their hefty capacity to contribute to campaign coffers of democrats and republicans alike in each election.
Washington politicians have their personal interests tied up with the wealthiest corporations, without much real thought to the best interests of the American People.
Working people get no bailout from credit card debts or the mortgage foreclosures faced by hundreds of thousands today.
Opportunity to Shift Priorities
Automotive bailouts and bank bailouts should be made in a way that contributes to rebuilding the economy in the United States.
Both sectors function in the interest of quick corporate profits rather than the wealth of the American people.
The U.S. government could take over these companies or regulate them to produce in the interest of the American public.
The car companies and the banks could be put into government receivership and be forced to function in the public interest.
Car companies can promote alternative vehicles, rather than the same pollution machines.
They can be regulated to work in the national interest, rather than executive interests of corporate profits.
The banks could be restructured in order to promote small businesses, job creation and fair loans to help the country out of the crisis.
Superhighway for Capital Flight
Automotive bailouts without strong conditions will lead to taxpayer money going in to overseas production which yields fatter profits.
Much of the bank bailout money has already fled to invest in foreign companies.
What little remains of productive investment in the US will not be there for much longer.
Ford, (which has not joined the bailout request), is already investing billions of dollars in Mexico in order to move what is left of its U.S. operations to south of the border.
The United States is building a superhighway for merchandise that moves from Central America through Mexico and northward into Canada.
This will make it easier for Ford and other companies to take advantage of cheaper Mexican labor.
Bailouts Should Aim at Change
Automotive bailouts and bank rescues should be exchanged for policies that invest in these companies and force them to change from their past and present ways.
The first thing that should be done is a removal of all the top management on Wall Street and in Detroit alike.
Then these companies should be restructured in order to respond to the needs of the American people and the American economy, rather than the interests of amassing ludicrously large fortunes for the few.