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Bad Credit Reporting Information

Bad Credit Reporting Can be Fixed With the Removal of Inaccurate Information. There Are Some Laws Designed to Protect Us From Abuse by Predatory NWO Credit Agencies.

Bad credit reporting of your credit activities by lenders to the top credit reporting bureaus and the removal of inaccurate derogatory information is a very important issue.

Getting the reporting bureaus to delete incorrect information, however, is a very difficult task.

The bureaus by law have to remove inaccurate or outdated derogatory data from your record, but they are not required to remove accurate derogatory information.

Although nothing legally keeps them from removing that derogatory information, the reason they do not do so is to satisfy the bankers desire to dig up every nasty little detail about your credit history and the need for the bureaus to generate as large an amount of negative credit information as they can get away with.

The national and local credit bureaus, with the exception of a few nonprofit agencies, are there for one purpose and that is to make money and satisfy their stockholders and company owners.

Bad credit reporting is big business, and the adverse and often devastating ways that it can affect you is not their concern.

The three major credit bureaus have over 200 million credit files, and they all three manipulate this information using their specific system to generate credit reports that can often make or break your credit applications.

The big credit bureaus have considerable power and they have expanded into supplying credit reports not only to lending institutions, but also to the insurance industry.

Now, with even potential employers and landlords accessing your private credit information, virtually anyone can check in on whether you are deemed worthy of benefiting from their service.

Separating Elite from Common

The class separation has been occurring since the 1970’s in both the United States and the United Kingdom, and both nations are practically identical in their pattern of the rise in the number of poor along with the rise in the wealth of the elite.

The bad credit reporting by agencies and the difficulty in regaining ground once one’s credit is damaged, is an intentional plan supporting by the elitist bankers who smile as the level of poverty and unemployment rise, while they get richer and more powerful.

These are the same greedy people that have been promoting a New World Order, allegedly to protect and keep people safe from terrorists and other manufactured bogey men that they putting in place for everyone to fear so that they will run straight into their greedy grasp.

Commoners Not Unique Individuals?

This is the game plan they are following as the elitist-controlled bureaus destroy your credibility from the bad credit reporting that is circulating about you.

They want to take away your courage, beauty, strength, possessions and most importantly all of your wealth, leaving you without any means to fight back.

Yes, that is what they wish to do, and it is up to each person to stop these elitists greedy attempts at wearing the people down.

The people need to keep strong within their beings and realize that adverse credit reports are not an accurate reflection of themselves.

Those manipulated reports and the phony systems of devising credit scores are simply another form of sophisticated financial abuse by the greedy globalists.

No matter how bad things might seem if you are hit by a bad credit report, remember that they cannot determine who you are. Only you can do that.

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