Bailout Lenders are Not the Taxpayers, Pal
The Bailout Lenders Are Every Person on Planet Earth.
I think the above title for this article sums up the entire issue, but I will prove it to you anyway.
Most people assume that the people who’re going to pay for the bailouts authorized by G.W. Bush and Obama will be paid back by the taxpayers in America.
This is completely untrue, since the taxpayers in America only finance the fiat debt, which is the debt incurred when the Federal Reserve creates money to give to the government to pay for its operations.
It sounds complicated because it is, but it can be explained.
In school, no doubt, they told you that the national income tax pays into the government Treasury coffers and is then used to pay for the services and overhead of government operations.
This assumes, of course, that money is static and there is a fixed amount of it to go around, so the government must take some of our incomes as payment for the services it renders as our government.
Don’t laugh, government “services” are a perfectly legitimate way to explain what it is that government does.
In reality, the U.S. dollar is a fiat currency (“fiat” is French for “faith”), which means it has no fixed value point and is based entirely on the faith that people put into its value as a currency.
Because it is not fixed on any measurable thing, money can be printed or destroyed in order to manipulate the economy around it, which was why the Federal Reserve was created to start with: to stabilize the economy. Obviously,
it’s done a bangup job of that, but that’s off the subject here.
So when new money is printed and added to the sum total of money in circulation, it devalues the purchasing power of the money already around the more money there is, the less an individual unit of it is worth; that’s simple economics.
Bailout Lenders Devalue the Currency
This devaluation is called inflation and it’s a secret, hidden tax that is paid by anyone who uses or depends on the currency being devalued.
In other words, anyone who uses U.S. dollars as their currency for anything, is paying a tax called inflation.
So any foreign government, corporations, multinational companies, individuals in foreign countries who use the Dollar, investors, and your and your family’s savings accounts and funds pay this (not so) hidden inflation tax.
This tax and inflation weakens the Dollar as a currency and makes it less valuable and gives people less faith in it.
That’s why foreign governments like China are getting rid of their Dollar reserves in favor of other investments.
They know that their reserve Dollars are worth less and less every day.
Who Profits on the Bailout Lenders Inflation Tax?
The people who profit from this inflation tax are the people who both know about its existence and control it’s fluctuation. Think about that.
If you’re serving dinner to your family and have complete control over who gets how much of any of the dishes on the table, you can ultimately control the behavior of those at the table.
That’s what the banksters get by controlling inflation. By driving up inflation and making the dollar worthless, they get to buy up assets at pennies on the dollar (so to speak).
This is especially true if they get to create the Dollars to start with, so their wealth is almost literally limitless.
But what Profit in Destruction of the Currency?
Now the Bailout Lenders aren’t looking at things from a small, regional perspective.
They aren’t interested in what’s happening in Indiana, in the Central Plains, or even in the entire United States. They’re interested in what’s happening world wide.
As the U.S. Dollar fails, other currencies will go with it.
Why? Because most of the world’s major currencies are based on the Dollar and most national coffers are stuffed not with gold and silver bars, but with U.S. Dollars.
If those become worthless, so do the currencies of the rest of the planet. This means financial collapse on a global scale.
Which means that those who control the businesses, the lands, the hard assets, and everything else also control the jobs, the governments, etc.
All of this means that they ultimately control people as well. It means that they control YOU.
So, in the end, the Bailout Lenders aren’t gaining control of General Motors and AIG, they’re gaining control of people. Controlling people means you’re enslaving them. Welcome to the New World Order, pal.