Banking Elite Seeks Control of Society
Control of Society Today is in the Hands of the New World Order Banking Elite. These Crooked Bankers Create Money From Thin Air To Enslave You for the NWO.
The international banking elite have long sought control of society.
Creating a totalitarian government through their New World Order is something they’ve studied to achieve world domination. These plans have been finely honed to control us.
The banking cartel is not satisfied with being ultra-rich and influential.
They want to not only control what you do or say, but also what you think and feel.
George Orwell was absolutely correct when he stated that those who seek power wish to control every aspect of human life.
These elite already control most of society, both in America and around the world.
Most of their control is gained through outright force, but here in America they usually use more subtle methods.
The elites have been trying to condition us to totalitarianism before they unleash their full power.
They know that the only way to enslave us is to coerce us into voluntary servitude.
The banking cartel has largely been successful at worming their slimy tentacles into every American institution.
They have even succeeded with brute force a few times, but the real violence is fast approaching.
They are getting bolder in their assertions and have even started openly admitting their plans.
Bankers Have Control of Society
The banking cartel has already taken complete control of the federal government and they are quickly obtaining control of state governments as well.
They control the education system, most police forces, the media, and of course the finance industry.
Should any group or individual have such complete control?
Through media and education, the elites control our minds, emotions and desires.
Through control of governmental institutions, they can easily “take care” of the few who remain free-thinking individuals.
Opportunieties to turn things around in America are quickly disappearing.
Time is short, and the stakes are high indeed. We had better do something before we lose all hope of doing anything without permission.
We Allow Elites to Have Control of Society
Why is it that Americans are not up in arms over this usurpation of power which rightly belongs to the people?
Most are simply asleep and refuse to be awakened. Truth is an uncomfortable thing to face sometimes.
But if we do not wake up soon, there will be no further opportunities to free ourselves.
The very fact that such obvious truth is beyond most people’s ability to even recognize is a testament to just how successful the elite’s plans have been.
They have had an easy time controlling the populace thus far. It is time for them to have a little more of a challenge. It is time to rouse the sleeping giant.