Behind Big Brother Today
America’s Elite is Behind Big Brother. George Orwell Predicted Exactly What is Happening in America Today Police State Oppression and Totalitarian Rule by Fascistic Elites.
Who is behind Big Brother? The term commonly refers to the government in today’s society. People have started using this term because they feel that the government has too much control.
The average person is not aware of the origin of the term. The term big brother comes from George Orwell’s novel 1984 in which Big Brother was the head of the Oceania government.
The government in the book took totalitarian to the next level, watching everyone 24 hours per day and controlling their thoughts. Who is behind big brother in America?
The government is not functioning solely on the actions of the politicians; the direction in which our government is heading is being controlled by outside forces.
America’s elite are influencing the politicians in our government at an unprecedented rate.
Politicians are taking legal payouts and illegal bribes with the agreement that they will vote various bills in certain directions to push the interests of individuals or corporations needing governmental support to keep their operations running smoothly.
The government needs to be run by the elected officials, not by the elite Americans who can afford to line the pockets of politicians.
The decision making process in our government is intended to be entrusted to those who are chosen by the people to represent their best interests.
The people have faith in the system and choose these people to be their leaders. These leaders are supposed to fight for their constituents.
In modern American politics, the system is still set up this way, but unfortunately it is flawed in its operation. The people are still voting in their representatives, but these representatives do not hold up their end of the bargain.
They are not looking out of the people who elected them, but instead they’re for big business and the elite behind Big Brother.
Many politicians today are in it for themselves. They think it is a good way to get a good income and an even better under-the-table income. The politicians use their positions to get ever increasing payouts in cash filled envelopes.
They sell their votes to the highest bidders, and they leave the people they are representing to fend for themselves.
The Elite
A person may ask who are the elite behind big brother. Well, the full list we will never know.
The easiest answer would be that any individual or corporation with enough money to line the pockets of a politician could fall into that category. The actuality of it runs much deeper than this, though.
Government officials are known to have private meetings with individuals in the community who have a lot of money or hold powerful positions in society.
These meetings are held in a secluded location in northern California in a heavily guarded compound, known as Bohemian Grove.
The list of people who attend these meetings is not fully known. The content of the meetings is also not fully known. There are, however, some meetings which have come to public light, such as the planning of the Manhattan Project.
Additionally, there are some known members such as all republican presidents since 1923, media executives and oil executives.
The public should know what happens in these meetings. They should be privy to what goes on between their elected officials and the people behind big brother.
If there are decisions being made which effect the country, and there obviously are, the people have a right to know.