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Being a Leader of Men is a Joke

The Leader of Men Does Not Actually Deserve the Title as Today’s Leaders Only Serve the Interests of the Corrupt Ruling Class Elite and Their One World Government.

It used to be that a leader of men was someone who operated in the best interests of those they were put in charge of.

The banking elite have made sure they have changed the definition of the leaders of a nation.

They would prefer that you see leaders as people that hold power and should be respected simply because of their power, not because they are good people.

The main goal of the banking mafia has been to clear the way to gain more control over the private sector.

This is why the banking elite have been using their control over politicians to get laws passed that protect business.

The biggest way in which they hope to shape the future of the world is by forming trade unions that will create regions of the world rather than individual countries.

The European Union is the best example of how different countries have been gathered together in order to create one union.

The idea sold to each country was they would be stronger if they were to enter into a trade agreement with every other country in their region.

This has worked to allow the creation of a trade union council that has been given power to act on each country’s behalf in disputes and trade policy decisions.

One of the biggest coups the trade union council was able to accomplish was creating a common currency that every country in the European Union has to utilize.

This has served not only to break down the borders between nations, but also to undermine the sovereignty of every country in the union.

Expanding the Model

By controlling those that are a leader of men, the banking mafia are able to get laws passed that allow the creation of such things as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

They would like for you to believe this was created in order to improve your life.

The real reason NAFTA was created was to be able to break down the borders between Canada, the United States and Mexico.

This agreement has paved the way for the American Union that will help consolidate the banking elite’s power here.

Taking Power

When the citizens of a country look to the leader of men for the answers to the economic crisis, the answer always seems to come back that there needs to be better trade.

This is the way they get you to support the new economic models they have been promoting.

What the goal really is for the banking mafia is to be able to take power away from the individual governments of each country.

Once the individual governments lose their sovereign power, it is possible to create a new form of world government.

Global Models

The banking mafia has created organizations such as the United Nations to show you how it is possible to have a central form of government to rule over the world.

They would like for you to think of the UN as the leader of men in order to gain your respect.

The only thing the UN is actually trying to accomplish is to take power away from the governments of the world in order for them to seek a more selfish form of government.

The solution the banking mafia will offer is the creation of a New World Order. 

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