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Benefits of RFID for Elites

Few Benefits of RFID Are for Consumers. RFID Tracking is a Dangerous Gateway to Government Intrusion Into Our Private Lives Because the NWO Wants to Watch Our Every Move.

A corporation can benefit from RFID technology by decreasing theft, increasing efficiency, reducing the cost of logistics, and by improving marketing strategies. Or so they tell us.

A government can benefit from RFID technology by improving their organization and preventing unnecessary waste of taxpayer funding by keeping government property safer.

Medical establishments can benefit as well. Items within a hospital can be quickly tracked and located if lost or misplaced, and patients can be better monitored by staff to increase the quality of their health care services.

The military stands to benefit from many of the same uses; protecting their property, keeping their soldiers tracked, preventing their capture by the enemy and allowing quick rescues with great accuracy.

Farmers and livestock owners will also discover higher profitability with RFID transmitters embed within their stock, as animals will be better sorted and organized improving efficiency and reducing unnecessary costs.

The consumer, however, will find they have been left out. Only a few distinct benefits can be gained where many pitfalls and downsides will become obvious.

Ultimately, the benefits of RFID seem to include several advantages over the general population for business and government; can we trust them with such power?

One might also wonder, should we make a substantial sacrifice of our own privacy and liberty so that business and government operations go more smoothly?

The truth of the matter is, there are many benefits we’re being told exist to explain the promulgation of RFID chips. But their real purpose is to track US citizens for the Big Brother shadow government who’s really pulling the strings.

The more they know about us, the easier we are to control and enslave. RFID chips are an extremely effective way to do this.

Benefits of RFID

As mentioned previously, benefits of RFID technology when applied vigorously by corporations, governments, medical establishments, military, or other institutions can greatly aid in the tracking of property.

Property can be sorted faster with higher accuracy and organized in more effective manners to decrease costs associated with distribution.

The safety of the property can be ensured because it can be easily tracked from computers and warnings can automatically inform security guards of incidents which warrant their attention, allowing them to react faster, more accurately, and with greater efficiency.

Increased Profitability

Since RFID technology can allow various institutions increased levels of security and organization, decreasing their overhead costs by large margins, profitability increases significantly.

Objectives can be met more readily and shareholders will be pleased with the increased awareness of their corporate holdings.

Corporations can better learn how to market to particular consumers on an individual basis, rather than wasting large sums of cash on advertisements aimed at large consumer groups.

One of the benefits of RFID use in business is the ability to create advertisements that are more difficult for consumers to ignore or avoid.

Personalized marketing will also lead to personalized pricing, and when combined these two efforts can increase the profit margins of a corporation to levels never before seen.

Competition for consumer’s money will increase, but on a personalized level as each individual consumer will be treated differently.

In a military or an institution such as a hospital, RFID transmitters can create an environment where wastefulness is minimized.

Items can be utilized to their maximum potentials and this will save incredible amounts of funding, allowing it to be better spent elsewhere.

These institutions may not work directly for profit, but they will profit directly from these applications.

No Benefit from RFID?

As almost all forms of institutions or organized bodies can benefit greatly from RFID technology, one group does not fare so well in these aspects, the consumers.

Consumers may save a few minutes and find advertising more to their tastes. They might find a lost pet or misplaced car keys, but that may be the extent of their benefits.

The few benefits of RFID for consumers are really only side effects.

As individual consumers are targeted directly by individualized personal marketing strategies and personal pricing schemes, their buying power drops by a large percentage as corporate profits increase.

In regard to government use of RFID technology on its populace, the citizens stand to lose even more ground in privacy and their rights will slowly dissipate.

The citizens have almost no benefit from the government tracking them, while they risk losing ground in many very important aspects of their lives.

This is where the real damage is done. With every RFID chip placed we are losing yet more privacy and freedom. The real loss is ours, the free citizens of the United States and the world.

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