Big Brother Has His Eye on You
Big Brother Has His Eye on You With Every Step You Take.
Big brother has his eye on you, and he is analyzing every step you take so it can be used against you if the government decides you are doing anything that causes a threat to their agenda.
You cannot make a move without big brother recording it, and it is impossible to know how your actions and words are interpreted by the government since they can be taken out of context and then used against you.
Keep in mind, the government does not use common sense when deciding who is a threat to the country, as they often consider people as a threat just because they have a different religion or they are not pleased with the policies in place by the United States.
Is that the country you want to live in?
It is important to understand big brother has his eye on you at all times, no matter if you are at home or on the streets, so your conversations are a part the public record every time you speak.
They are able to do this by tapping phone lines, tracking people via cell phones, using RFID in passports and by using other forms of surveillance.
The government is paranoid, which means they want to have complete control of all of their people, and they will stop at nothing.
This was the first step in creating a totalitarian society, as big brother is able to take the dissenters and get rid of them so the powerful and elite can control the world.
After big brother does his job, the United States will just consist of sheep in flocks that are willing to do anything the government wants at any time.
Then, the government will increase its control and power as it will only have to govern the weak, which will be much easier for it, so the government will be much more successful.
Is this the world the forefathers wanted, or is this the world the New World Order elite want?
The New World Order
Big brother has a big role to play in the New World Order. If the world is going to operate without borders, freedom will have to be restricted.
By putting big brother on the move, the government can restrict the freedoms and find out what everyone is doing at all times. That is why big brother has his eye on you.
Who is Big Brother?
Big brother has been a concept for a long time, but many people have not been able to decide exactly who big brother is. Big brother is many things and many different people.
He is the government, and he is the world elite. He is also the United Nations. He is everywhere and he will do anything.
The World as One
The US has enjoyed freedoms many other countries have not, and if a New World Order is going to take place countries are going to have to become more like the US or the US is going to have to become more like those countries.
The US decided to become more like those countries, and big brother has his eye on you so you will fall in line.