Biometrics Finger Print Today
The Biometrics Finger Print is a Technology of Oppression. Advances Purported to Improve Security Are in Fact a Devious Method of Robbing Americans of Their Freedom.
Biometrics finger print is used currently as the primary biometric security for access to controlled environments.
The technology for face recognition is still inaccurate, expensive and access to a large enough data base dilutes the ability to come up with a match.
Many believe that is will take a long time to acquire a large enough data base to be effective and that is the major motivation of the globalists as they push biometrics and spying to the outer limits of tolerance.
People, especially in the United States, are feeling this push and are starting to push back.
Meanwhile the biometrics finger print security is expanding into areas such as private nightclubs, banks, schools and anywhere the marketing blitz encourages it to be used.
Along with finger prints the palm print is becoming popular to use to access a controlled environment and the more this technology develops wide spread usage, the more those central data banks grow.
Anytime a person stands before the choice to plunk down their biological identity, it would be most prudent to step away from the scanner and just say ”no”.
Biometrics Finger Print ID
Identification of a person by lifting their fingerprints from a crime scene is something everyone has seen and heard in detective stories.
The unique print that is captured points the finger directly at the criminal.
The pattern of ridges and furrows and characteristics of a ridge bifurcation or ending are all used to recognize the unique signature of the individual.
There have always been some shortcomings to this method of identification from having a low quality fingerprint or smudging of the image.
As finger print identification develops, the finger print images are becoming much more clear and exact.
Finger print readers showing up everywhere is helping the industry develop the technology.
Prone to Forgery
The increasing accuracy of the scanners however, does not make this type of technology absolutely safe.
Anything electronic is vulnerable to hacking, by either an outside force, or even worse by the very entity who is instituting these measures.
A false electronic record could easily be created about someone’s whereabouts or access to sensitive areas.
Tip-Toe to Tyranny
The more an individual’s biological identifiers are captured, the more recognizable this person becomes when the massive central data banks are accessed.
The encroachment upon your privacy is deplorable and anything you can do individually to protest the invasions into your privacy will be beneficial to all.
It’s helpful to watch the British because they have gone down the road of privacy loss much further than the US has at this point.
There is much to discern about their spirit and will weakening while their rights and privileges are eroding.