Boston Federal Reserve Bank Corrupt
The Boston Federal Reserve Bank Benefits the Global Banking Cabal Who Print Money and Not the Hardworking Taxpayers Who Earn It.
The Boston Federal Reserve Bank serves to dissuade the trusting public from making proper money decisions.
After all, this organization is not owned by the federal government in any way, so protecting the rights of the people is not a priority.
Instead, this bank is a privately owned organization with the goal of putting its owners in the best financial position possible. It is for these exact reasons that the Founding Fathers opposed the creation of a central bank.
This organization is not audited to ensure it is behaving with financial responsibility. As a result, the populace is completely unaware of its activities and its financial position.
While you may think this has very little to do with you, remember this is supposed to be a capitalistic society.
Yet when organizations such as this do only what is beneficial for its rich owners, hardworking Americans are left in the dust. If it is still unclear as to why you should worry about this, take a look at the current economy.
Private Ownership
Private ownership is something revered in the United States because the concept allows citizens to find independence in a complicated world.
When it comes to the Boston Federal Reserve Bank, this type of ownership actually has the opposite impact. This independence robs citizens of certain protections.
Those protections include control over inflation and the value of the dollar. In a global economy a rapidly decreasing US dollar puts this country at a disadvantage.
As a result, international trade is harder to facilitate and make profitable. As the Federal Reserve continues to print more and more money and distribute it into the economy, a recovery becomes less likely.
Sure, the economy is expected to bounce back by 2010, but will it come back as healthy as it should?
Boston Federal Reserve Bank
Perhaps more troubling than the fact that this organization is private, is the fact that there is no accountability in its processes. There isn’t even an audit performed.
Instead, this privately-owned organization is measured according to criteria that mean very little to the American public. I
t even means very little to those who should be measuring its activities, but it is ignored due to the dollars and power behind it.
Benefiting the Elite
Americans throughout the country understand the impact that the Rockefellers had on the establishment of the nation’s economy. However, it doesn’t end there.
This family is also behind much of the fraudulent activity within the criminal banking cabal. Another and perhaps lesser known family, the Rothschilds, also play a part in the constant defrauding of the American people.
Time and again, these families launch initiatives that are masked as benefiting the American people or segments within the population to drive their own agendas.
As long as these criminals are allowed to continue their activities, the American people will always be at risk and will continue to lose their hard-earned money.