British Socialism in the UK and America
The Close Parallel Between British Socialism and American Socialism Are Signs of the Global Banking Elite Expanding Their Power and Control.
British socialism entailed a longer process than it did here in the U.S., but the results have been more solid and socially accepted. As with the Americans, the strongest coagulator of socialistic thought in Britain was the Great Depression.
While the socialist movement started much earlier in Great Britain during their industrial revolution which began earlier than it did elsewhere the social upheaval that accompanied the economic depression was the real deciding factor.
At the turn of the twentieth century, the Labour Party was born and soon after became one of the strongest forces in British politics.
By 1924, Labour had gained a strong foothold in Parliament and was fast becoming the most influential party in British politics.
In 1945, the Labour Party defeated the conservatives and Winston Churchill, this began the fast implementation of socialist programmes in British government.
The election of Tony Blair was to bring in the current, modern British socialism.
As in America, however, Britain’s people are beginning to realize that while the Labour Party appears to oppose the Tory conservatives, in practice they are mutually supportive as are Republicans and Democrats.
During all of the socialist movements in Britain culminating in today’s Labour Party, the trade and worker’s unions have been closely tied with the movement.
Strangely, and seemingly out of character, the British socialist movement generally opposes globalization.
However, this can be explained simply: the true socialists (those who truly believe in socialism) are still nationalists, but the usurpers are not.
In America, we see this same movement on the conservative side of politics, with true conservatives still being nationalists while neo-conservatives are globalists.
British Socialism Moves the UK Into the NWO
Much like with the U.S. and most of the European Union, socialism’s quiet ride leads not to a utopia of the worker’s paradise as it proclaims, but instead it leads directly into the slavery of the people to the banker elites.
The Bank of England was owned and controlled by the Rothschild family during the beginning of the decline of the British Empire in the 1700s and is still under their control today.
That same family group owns most of the central banks in the world, including the World Bank and the Federal Reserve in the United States.
As the elites move the world into globalization and the New World Order, the people become enslaved to them through debt, transfers of ownership of all true wealth, and finally through dependence on the very social systems they built to save them from misery.
”Other countries will not take lectures about the so-called new world order from a British prime minister who cannot deliver basic public services run by his own failing government.”
-Tony Blair
British Socialism Becomes Globalized Government
”We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
-David Rockefeller
”This is a moment to seize. The kaleidoscope has been shaken, the pieces are in flux, soon they will settle again. Before they do, let us re-order this world around us.”
-Tony Blair
Can it be any clearer than that?
What the New World Order Means
As the move towards globalized government continues, the question is then asked: ‘What will this New World Order mean?’
The answer to that question is easily answered by looking at what governments have done in the past and what the elitists building this NWO have planned.
In 1988, Dr. R.J. Rummel published a book entitled Death by Government in which he detailed how governments have killed, maimed, slaughtered, and pillaged their peoples.
He counted only government-run slaughter and not deaths through direct warfare between armies. His estimate of the dead in 88 years?
There have been 360 million people killed by governments worldwide in less than a century. All through starvation, military attacks on civilians, genocides of all types, and so forth.
The real face of the New World Order becomes apparent. Doesn’t it? So who are these slaughterers, why do they do it, and what have they in store for us?
”No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.”
-David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations