Brzezinski Cofounded the Trilateral Commission
Brzezinski Cofounded the Trilateral Commission to Promote One World Government.
Brzezinski cofounded the Trilateral Commission with his partner, David Rockefeller. Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote a book called ‘Between Two Ages’ in 1970 that praised the formation of a single world government.
He also wrote that he considered the United States obsolete. When David Rockefeller read the book he launched the Trilateral Commission along with Brzezinski.
The purpose of this commission was to link Western Europe, North America and Japan in their political, defense and economic relations. In his book, Brzezinski also wrote that Marxism is a victory of reason over belief.
He also said that Marxism represented a ‘major advance in man’s ability to conceptualize his relationship to his world.’ Rockefeller apparently liked this reasoning.
He appointed Brzezinski as Director of the Trilateral Commission after Brzezinski cofounded the Trilateral Commission with Rockefeller.
The whole idea was to create a one-world government with bankers in control. The Trilateral Commission was founded in order to bring about the multinational consolidation of commercial and banking interests.
They will do this by getting full control over the government of the United States. Economic control will be senior to and will overrule political governments.
This is the road to slavery and oppression for the people of affected countries.
Dangers of the Trilateral Commission
Not only had Brzezinski cofounded the Trilateral Commission and become its director, but he also got ‘in the ear’ of former President Carter.
While Carter was still largely unknown as Governor of Georgia, Brzezinski invited him into the ranks. So here you have someone who preaches a one-world government close to the President.
Once Carter became President, although promising to rid the White House of insiders, he promptly staffed his administration with members of the Council on Foreign Relations and The Trilateral Commission.
A couple of key examples were Walter Mondale and Dr. Henry Kissinger, but many more insiders were brought in by Carter. As the plan for a New World Order starts to come to fruition, Americans must take determined action of some kind to prevent it.
They cannot stand by while their Constitution is destroyed, their freedoms taken away, and their rights trampled on. America’s future and that of its children is in dire trouble. Something must be done.
Avoid taking the easy way out by doing nothing since that ‘easy way’ is only going to lead to enslavement and strife. It turns out that it will be a hard way, and difficult to predict how hard it actually can and will be.
The New World Order is deviously being promoted as a ‘war-free’ world of one religion, one government, and one bank. Nevertheless, the truth is that the populations of countries will be at the beck and call of the big bankers.
That Brzezinski helped found the Trilateral Commission is only a sign of the times and the changes covertly taking place day to day.
No matter whether you vote Republican or Democrat, they are all influenced by and have bought into this plan.
Just Victims of World Take-Over?
Looking at the fact that Brzezinski cofounded the Trilateral Commission and his views on Marxism and a one-world government is proof enough of his intentions.
It’s time the public is informed, because the more people who are in the know, the better chance they have of fighting back. Form a movement to stop it. Protest now!