Can We Have Mobile Phone Radiation Protection?
Mobile Phone Radiation Protection: Is it Possible?
Right now, mobile phone radiation protection is necessary to provide any possible protection from the radiation that flies off of cell phones.
Radiation protection is almost useless because of the fact that cell phones are used by over 4 billion people and cell phone towers cover most of the world.
There is no real escape from microwaves even if you do use a device to provide protection from your cell phone.
Mobile phones are making their way all over the world.
Cell phone companies are actually giving phones away to rural farmers and citizens in third world countries.
Worldwide Danger
Cell phone towers cover most of the African continent at this point in time.
Why does a rural African farmer need to have a cell phone?
We need to dig deeper to find the real motive behind giving cell phones away to people in the third world and covering continents with towers emitting radiation.
The cell phone scheme is a perfect one for the international elite because it is backed by both time and by enthusiasm.
Mobile phone radiation protection may not be able to help much, but having knowledge of the reasons behind the cell phone explosion may help.
Second Hand Radiation
Mobile phone radiation protection won’t help for second hand radiation. Cell phones are known to emit radiation that may cause cancer, autism, and other diseases.
Recently, there has been an explosion of these diseases. We know that cell phone use in children is especially dangerous.
Cell phones are a modern convenience that is not something a rural African farmer would see the need for.
So the international elite needed to manufacture a need. Phone companies push the fact that people can access banking, get saved with weather reports, access the Internet, and more.
Once again we are seeing the elite selling something bad by telling people it will help them. There is no need to tell the modern world about cell phones.
Modern people are only too anxious to run to the store and buy the newest cell phones once they hit the market.
The Elite’s Role
Modern Americans and Europeans are attached to their cell phones. They do everything with cell phones attached to their ears.
It is the perfect cover for the international elite. How can you blame them when everyone is so fired up to buy one? The problem is solved through marketing.
Cell phones are being used to weaken the individual state of people and to depopulate the modern world and the third world.
It is also a great excuse for the international elites to visit third world countries in Africa that contain an endless supply of oil and precious minerals.
The effects of radiation from cell phones will take years to become widely known.
The government is doing nothing to warn the people about the danger.
Time is another great cover for the international elite. How can you pin the radiation on cell phones if it took so long to happen?
Mobile phone radiation protection may provide some peace of mind for consumers, but it won’t provide any real protection from radiation.