Can We Trust an FDA Advisor?
FDA Advisor: The Doctors and Scientists that Sit on the Food and Drug Advisory Committees Have Financial Ties With the Pharmaceutical Companies.
Does an FDA advisor enhance the credibility of the notorious Food and Drug Administration?
No, because the scientists and medical doctors who sit on the advisory panels have been bought by the pharmaceutical cartel.
There have been numerous allegations concerning the FDA’s drug approval process over the years, and some scientists and doctors have even come forward with their personal testimonies concerning the bribery and blackmail tactics that they have encountered at the FDA.
The journal, Nature, conducted a study in 2005 which found that over 70% of the advisory panels that were tasked with writing clinical guidelines for prescription drugs had at least one advisor who had financial ties to the drug companies.
It’s a few years down the line and nothing has changed.
Soon after Obama’s inauguration, he received an urgent letter from a handful of truthful FDA scientists asking him to restructure the FDA.
The letter sent by the FDA scientists describes the intimidating environment at the administration.
Scientists have accused managers of trying to coerce and intimidate them to change scientific data in contravention of the law.
Obama at first offered no comment on the issue, but he has since called for a “review” of FDA approval processes in light of a batch of salmonella contaminated peanuts that caused 500 people to be sick.
This vague call for a review of the FDA will not achieve anything, because Big Pharma is one of the largest and most powerful interest groups in Washington.
FDA Advisor Fraud
Some of the most damning evidence against the FDA has come from their Associate Director for Science and Medicine, David J. Graham.
He gave a testimony before the senate regarding his experience of working for the FDA in which he told of how his research was censored and shut down when it opposed certain drugs, like Vioxx.
Accutane and Arava
While working at the FDA, Graham recommended the withdrawal of twelve dangerous drugs, of which only two now remain on the market.
All ten that were withdrawn proved lethal, including Vioxx and Rezulin.
The frightening reality is that Accutane and Arava are two drugs which remain on the drug market despite the fact that Graham and a few colleagues have warned that these drugs are known to cause chronic liver damage, and even death. No one has taken heed of their warning.
When will FDA Advisor Corruption be Addressed?
The recent letter that was sent to Obama by FDA scientists is very telling.
Many promises have been made by government over the years concerning reform at the FDA, but almost none have come to fruition. Any alleged changes have been superficial.
The 2009 letter states that no one is being held accountable at the FDA, and that problematic managers are being rewarded with promotion instead of being punished.
The letter goes as far as to say that the American public is in being put in grave danger by the FDA. No FDA advisor panel can protect us from lethal food and drugs in this corrupt environment.