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Blog Category: Education

Sacred Geometry & The Golden Spiral - Occult Science Secrets Revealed

The study of sacred geometry was passed down over thousands of years from the ancient mystery schools. The most common geometries considered sacred are the Egyptian Flower of Life, the Hebrew Vesica Piscis and the Italian Borromean Rings (also known as the Holy Trinity).  Of course, there are a great many more, such as the

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CIA Document Confirms Our Reality is a Hologram: Time to Wake Up, Neo!

A ground-breaking book named The Body Electric was written by Robert O. Becker and Gary Selden. The book delineates how the human body produces electricity. “Two separate currents, then, one from the nerves and one from the bone matrix, were producing potentials of opposite polarity, which acted like the electrodes of a battery. These living

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Evergreen State College Students Want White People To Attend "Antiracist Workshop

For the second time now, a group of students at Evergreen has barred white people from attending the college, including white faculty, in what they are calling a “day of absence”.  Isn’t discrimination based on skin color what these students are accusing white people of doing?The Evergreen State College Olympia, Washington. Search Profile … College

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Understanding Metaphysics Will Bankrupt Big Pharma

Everything on the Physical plane is a manifestation of something on the Metaphysical plane. If we could get enough people to understand this we can bankrupt the corporations that run the systems and institutions creating all the current crises and destruction all over the world.  For the readers who have been following this blog for

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Living From The Heart

There has been a lot of recent scientific research that the human heart has it’s own consciousness, like a second brain.  “Living from the heart” is one of those phrases used in self-help circles that borders on cliché. However, there’s been a hidden esoteric meaning behind that we just didn’t understand in our limited third-dimensional

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