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Blog Category: Education

5 Ways Schools Destroy Children Freedom (And What To Do About It)

If you’re a freedom-loving parent, you’re probably doing all you can to give your children autonomy in their own lives. You’re treating them well in the present. Children’s Freedom is a sacred and inalienable right that all human beings possess. But you’re also looking to the long-term goals of raising self-reliant adults who desire freedom for themselves and

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The Oldest Song In The World – A Sumerian Hymn Written 3500 Years Ago (Listen)

Music is a very special gift that people from all around the world, from various cultures and from every socio-economic class, enjoy. Human beings have been creating and listening to music for thousands of years, it is almost an essential part of our being. The oldest song in English still sung today is Sumer is

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Our Non-Physical World: Matter is Not The Only Reality

“Despite the unrivaled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger.” (T. Folger, “Quantum Shmantum”; Discover 22:37-43, 2001) The quote above is a great example that lets the reader know one thing; that new information

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Transgender Talk: My Metaphysical Perspective (Not What You Think)

First off, if you’re transgender talk and reading this, THANK YOU! If you’re a Christian conservative and reading this, THANK YOU TOO!  This is such a highly polarized topic and I felt compelled to try to bring some balance to that and bridge the gap of understanding.  I will never claim I know what it’s

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Thoughts Have Done This To An Apple — Now Imagine What They Can Do To Your Body

We’ve heard it before: our thoughts are powerful. Maybe we’ve even heard that our thoughts are actually creating our reality. But it’s one thing to hear or learn this concept and a completely other to fully grasp what it means and apply it to our lives.  Our thoughts create our reality? How so? This concept was

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You may know them as the Bush family.  What we are taught about history in American schools is not history, but a fairy tale. Better yet, it is propaganda designed to hoodwink an unsuspecting society about its true heritage and the treasonous acts and sabotage that were conceived in order to bring about a New

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