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Blog Category: Education

Problems With American Education Stem From Corporate Brainwashing of Students. Schools Are Delivering Exactly What is Desired by NWO Planners, a Stupid Nation!  Problems with American education were anticipated by our founding fathers, who believed that our freedom and success as a country depended on having well-educated citizens. They did not believe the federal government

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Problems in American Education Are Serious. The NWO Elites Have Corrupted the Curriculum of Our Schools and Now Children Are Being Conditioned to be Slaves. Unfortunately, the problems in American education run deep. In 2001, UNICEF produced their first comprehensive study of the education systems of the twenty-four richest countries on the world. We have

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Problems in the American Education System Cost the Taxpayers More Money. We Are Paying for Our Own Dumbing-Down; Our Children Are Becoming Labor Drones. Problems in the American education system are profound and numerous. Overcrowding in the classroom, the general tenor of disrespect toward teachers, and play-ground violence are but the tip of the iceberg.

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All of us Have Personal Codes of Ethics Developed With The Help of The Influences in Our Lives. Ethics are a funny thing, because they differ from person to person in the world, nobody hold a code of ethics which is exactly the same as another persons. While each person’s ethical code is different than

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Interesting Reasons Why Parents Are Starting to Homeschool. Do you know what the most common accusation directed at homeschooling parents is?  Most people opposed to homeschooling point out that it removes children from an appropriate amount of social opportunity and activity.  Do you know what the most common reason for removing children from the public

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An Outline of the American Education System Detailing the Move to a Worker-Based Socialist Society in America. In History of the American Education System, we detailed how the concept of right and wrong was purposely removed from our education system.  By removing a “normal” view of immorality from the populace, the Globalist Elite have been

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