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Blog Category: Education

What are the Philosophical Foundations of American Education? Philosophical Foundations of American Education Ensure Every American the Right to Learn.  The philosophical foundations of American education are based on providing affordable education to all American citizens.  Equal access to knowledge through education provides basic American rights, among them the right to learn and the right

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Possibilities for a Victim of Discrimination to act Using Laws, Counter-measures and More. As a victim of discrimination in the United States, there are a number of laws in existence which can be invoked for stopping the discrimination and obtaining compensation for hardship that was undergone. One of the best known of these is the

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Creation of Tenure Makes it Virtually Impossible to Wrest American From Stranglehold of Utopian Idealists. Without tenure, the ivory tower elites would have been thrown out the moment their students were unable to learn properly. In fact, the entire tenure system makes a mockery of all the money taxpayers sink into the education system in

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The Heart of What Does a Fascist Believe is Dangerous and Frightening. The rise of American fascism is a significant enough concern that it is worthwhile to investigate what does a fascist believe. By knowing that, it is easier to spot continued inroads that the fascist movement is making in this country. The warning signs

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Our Family Values Have Been Eroded for Indoctrination and Control. Our family values is a concept used by politicians in elections to get votes and to divide the country.  There has been a gradual erosion of the family structure by the elite in government and corporate America over the last few decades.  The purpose of

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The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution are Nearly Forgotten in Today’s Society. The historical origins of the American Revolution center on the struggle for a population’s freedom against a tyrannical oppressor, in a bid for liberty and sovereignty.  The thirteen North American colonies were tired of being under the yoke of British rule, because

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