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Blog Category: Environment

Are There Current Solar Flares We Should Worry About? The interesting thing about current solar flares, are they are not predictable. They don’t punch a time clock and don’t seem to play by any particular rules that scientists can figure out. There is indisputable evidence of solar flares existence. The disputed issues pertain to the

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Proving & Disproving Global Warming–What is The Real Truth? Scientific Data Makes it Clear That Climate Change Occurs but Elites Twist Facts for Profit. Disproving global warming has been a simple task for qualified, objective scientists. This claim of tragic proportion is simply to frighten and further tax Americans. The media is repeating claims about

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The Discovery of Global Warming Was Hyped by the Media. If Something Had to be Done, the Government Would Make SUV’s Illegal Instead of Just Taxing People. The process of discovery of global warming began early. In 1896, a scientist from Sweden published his new concept. He said that burning fossil fuels could add carbon

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Scientific Data Will Curb Global Warming Deception and Reveal the Truth Behind the Ruling Class Manipulation of Americans Through Fear. The government wants you to believe that you will you be able to curb global warming damage and save the planet. They want you to believe that the polar ice caps and glaciers are melting

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Climate Global Warming is a Scam Invented by Global Elitists Who Want Nothing More Than to Frighten Americans Into Believing Only the Government Can Save Them. Climate global warming is a theory that has gained considerable traction over the past few years as people believe the end of the world is near. The end may

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The Financial and Political Effects from Global Warming Are the True Danger to Society. The main effects from global warming are much more perilous than heightened temperatures and a soon-to-be uninhabitable planet.  This is the global warming myth that gets sold to concerned citizens around the globe by the controlling elite, who seek to reap

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