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Blog Category: Freedom

Abraham Lincoln on Slavery Meant Freedom for Slaves, But Not Necessarily Equality. There is no question that Abraham Lincoln held a very strong position on the freedom of slaves, and Abraham Lincoln on slavery is most often what you will find when researching this President. Abraham Lincoln and his position on slavery became a turning

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Consumer Activism is the Way to Protect Yourself. When Shopping in the NWO, People Have to Look Out for Themselves; Our Corrupt Government Preys on Consumers! Consumer activism is for everyone. The single most important way to influence corporate decision-making is to stand up and tell the truth. Engage your neighbors and friends in a

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Architects and Engineers on 911 Truth Agree That Overwhelming Evidence Clearly Shows the WTC Towers Were Destroyed by Controlled Demolition, Not Planes!! Architects and Engineers on 911 Truth (AE911Truth) is a non-partisan organization of architects, engineers and other affiliates who are working together to learn the truth about what really happened on September 11, 2001.

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Dissent in the US is Desperately Needed Now. We Have the Power to Make Change in Our Country if We Band Together as One United Force and Stand Against the NWO Police State. Many thinkers believe the existence of dissent in the US leads to a healthy community. Dissent is a feeling or attitude of

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Editorial Writer Admits She Writes What the Government Wants Without Any Independent Research or Opposing Viewpoints. The Mass Media is Brainwashing Us for the NWO. DTSS review of the editorial content in the run-up to the Iraq war calls to mind William Hazlitt’s appraisal of the Times of London. ”It floats with the tide,” Hazlitt wrote

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International Relations and the Peace People Want, Would be Bad for Business for Global Elites Who Profit From War, Destruction and Chaos to Build NWO. International relations have always been a sticky point for the United States to manage. In the early days of the nation we did not have a lot of strength and

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