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Blog Category: Globalization

Economic Impacts Global Warming Scare Lead to Higher Prices. The Economic Impacts Global Warming will be severe.  Hundreds Of billions of dollars a year be siphoned from the productive global economy in order to line the pockets of the global warming scamsters.  There will be a definite and mass of human cost to pay as

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It’s Not Where Does American Education Rank But Why That’s the Problem. Parents across the nation are obsessed with where does American education rank in the global hierarchy of learning. They follow the stats in the news as though the rankings even matter. The problem with education in America isn’t that the youth of America

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You Could Be Targeted for Wiretapping Surveillance Under Current Laws. Wiretapping surveillance does not require a warrant, meaning anyone is a potential target for gross invasion of privacy. The NSA was given authority by President George W. Bush for warrantless wiretapping, defying the whole process of checks and balances and the law. Living under a

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Federal Reserve Bank Fraud is Allowing the Destruction of the US Economy by a Handful of Elite Families Who Control the Government. Most people do not understand that the Federal Reserve is not regulated by the government. They believe the “Fed” to be those individuals they see on TV, typically the head of the organization,

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The European Union Network is a Danger to the Free World.  The European Union Network has changed the way the world works, as it has taken away state sovereignty and has replaced it with a new system where all countries are connected to one another  Advocates of the union state that it allows goods and

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Darwin and Eugenics is Leading to Designer Babies and Large Scale Infanticide. There is a lot of confusion regarding Charles Darwin and eugenics. Some believe that his philosophy was misunderstood and the process was bastardized by his first cousin Francis Galton, considered the father of eugenics. Eugenics is the process of using sterilization, either voluntary

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