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Blog Category: Globalization

European Union Law Supercedes the Law of Individual Nations Ending National Sovereignty. If you’ve heard of the European Union law, then you are probably wondering how a single governing body can exert control over so many diverse nations. European Union Law essentially overrides the laws of individual member nations much like laws of the Federal

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Face Recognition System Growing Use in US Helps Country Rank Among Top Surveillance Societies on Earth. Current biometric technology allows for a face recognition system to identify individual people. This system is based in a computer program, to analyze and identify specific human faces. These programs measure the distance between the eyes, nose length, jaw

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Are the Facts of Global Warming Telling us What we Need to Know or Are we Being Misled?  Global warming is a subject that is becoming hotter and hotter with time, never showing any signs it intends to cool down, which is what the subject of global warming is actually all about. The facts of

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We Debate Global Warming Because the Elites Depict it as a Deadly Threat. When People Learn That Climate Change is Natural, They Will Realize the Gov is Lying to Them. Debate global warming: This is exactly what the elites of the world want us to do. They want us fearful and dependent on government. Stand

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Democracy in Todays World is the Biggest Lie Told to the American People. When individuals are discussing democracy in today’s world there can be very different meanings to this one phrase. Democracy has a very distinct and well explained meaning and the true meaning of the word should be used in all instances and cases.

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Currency Controls Using the RFID Chip Are Just Another Way for the Global Elite to Monitor us and Track Our Spending for Control by the One World Government. The banking elite have been using currency controls to gain more power over the population as they march towards creating a New World Order. They would like

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