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Blog Category: Globalization

The Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove Secret Societies Are Part of the New World Order Elite Network. They Conspire in Darkness to Create Oppressive NWO Rule. It’s been speculated that the members of the Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove secret societies meet every year in a different elite hotel in countries around the world. These people are

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A Child Protective Service Worker Often Overlooks the Facts to Attack the Family and the Children End up Suffering. Globalist Rulers Want to Destroy Families. Child protective service worker is a tough role to fill within a shaky organization. Many of these individuals enter this profession with the intention to help those who cannot help

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What’s Really Behind Homeland Security Terrorism? Post 9/11 Our Country Became a Police State and Homeland Security is Primarily a Means of Mass-Control for the NWO. Americans are under the fascistic control of Homeland Security terrorism. Everyone has by now become familiar with the goals of Homeland Security. But few are aware that this organization

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Dick Cheney and the Council on Foreign Relations Are a Well Known Combination. The CFR is Just Another Band of Despot Elites Forwarding Globalism. Dick Cheney and the Council on Foreign Relations, or rather his membership within the CFR organization, has long been in question. Has the former vice president proven himself untrustworthy? Cheney’s admitted

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Bad Credit Reporting Can be Fixed With the Removal of Inaccurate Information. There Are Some Laws Designed to Protect Us From Abuse by Predatory NWO Credit Agencies. Bad credit reporting of your credit activities by lenders to the top credit reporting bureaus and the removal of inaccurate derogatory information is a very important issue. Getting

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US Foreign Affairs and Trade Revolves Around the WTO & NAFTA. Globalism Means the Takeover of Countries by Corporations & These Organizations Serve the NWO Agenda. Foreign affairs and trade are linked. There are, or have been, three specific trade treaties that the United States has been a part of that impacted our ability to

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