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Blog Category: Globalization

Read About Conspiracy Theories and the New World Order. The Truth is Very Clear & More People Everyday Are Becoming Aware of the Rising Police State. Many theories about the various conspiracies conducted by the elite power brokers and the political establishment have existed for a very long time, perhaps centuries, and is a common

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Reading One World Government Info is Important Today. As Monster Corporations Consume the World Around Us, We Must Arm Ourselves With Information to Defend Freedom Now! One world government info includes this fact: Those who control the money control the world. The Federal Reserve is a private institution that controls the United States with its

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United Nations Policy on Torture Reveals That George Bush Committed Crimes. The UN is Building a World Regime Based on Terror and Conquest to Benefit Elites. The United Nations policy on torture was evidently immune to George W Bush’s decision making when he was president. During the war on terror, it is no secret the

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Info About a One World Government is Kept Quiet by Elites. The Truth is Getting Out Fast and the Tides Are Turning in Favor of Revolution but We Need You! The Illuminati is an enormously rich group of people that runs mainstream media, education systems, banks, governments, etc. This group of powerful conspirators is made

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A Collection of Centralization Quotations Foreshadows World Government. Information is the Best Way to Defend Against the Ongoing Takeover by Wealthy NWO Elites. Centralization Quotations ”Every central government worships uniformity: uniformity relieves it from inquiry into an infinity of details.” – Alexis de Tocqueville ”Union gives strength.” – Aesop ”The only thing wrong with Abraham

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Cell Phone Surveillance Applications Turn Your Phone Into Spyware and Allow the Government to Watch and Listen to Your Every Move Without You Knowing It. Cell phone surveillance applications give the government all the information they need for the Big Brother police state we live in. The government has access to your cell phone and

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