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Blog Category: Globalization

Cell Phone Surveillance Equipment is the Next Weapon the Government is Using to Watch Your Every Move and You Don’t Even Have to Turn on Your Phone. The government is using cell phone surveillance equipment to watch your every move and listen to your conversations. They have access to your phone’s network and can tap

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Censorship is Stupid Since it Flies in the Face of the Constitution. Censorship is stupid since it flies in the face of the constitution. Censorship is defined as the suppression of anything that may be deemed as objectionable. Many of the greatest inventions and thoughts in the world came about due to intense discussion and

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American Zionism is a Topic Greatly Misunderstood by Many People. Critics of the Zionist Global Agendas Are Too Often Mis-Labeled as Anit-Semites but They’re Not. Before we can proceed, American Zionism is confusing to many, so we have to make things clear. And opposing it often means facing charges of anti-semitism. Zionism is supposed to

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The Application of Global Positioning System Technologies to Usher in the Age of Big Brother is Happening Now. We Are Being Watched All the Time. Ask most people to name an application of global positioning system technologies, and they will immediately reference the GPS system installed in their car. Runners might show off watches that

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Anti Drug War is Unconstitutional and Complete Failure. The United States anti drug war is an atrocity that has cost this nation hundreds of billions of dollars, violated states and citizen’s rights, incarcerated thousands of people and destroyed countless lives around the globe.  The war on drugs began in the early 20th century, when the

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Our Answer to Human Overpopulation is to Understand it as a Manufactured Excuse. The Global Elite Plan on Killing the Majority of Us for Their New World Order. The answer to human overpopulation seems to be reliant upon the lifestyle changes that have brought this apparent problem about. We are told that we are killing

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