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Blog Category: Globalization

Why is Reading Animal Farm by George Orwell Important to Our Society Today? Orwell Had a Clear Vision of the NWO Future and We Are Living it Today. The classic novel Animal Farm by George Orwell is considered a great satire and antithesis to authoritarianism. In particular, Stalinism is “attacked”. Orwell uses the setting of

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Coming Alliance of One World

The Alliance of One World Brings International Enslavement and Oppression. The Elite Rulers Will Eliminate Freedom to Secure Control of Their Global Regime. It has become apparent by direct admission, an alliance of one world is being plotted by an elite group of wealthy and influential individuals. Their version of world peace is an imposed

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Alliance of Evil

The Elitist Alliance of Evil is Cataloging and Tracking US Citizens in an Effort to Increase Gov’t Control in Forthcoming Totalitarian State. The alliance of evil, led by the banking elite, have put together a plan to ensure domination over the masses. In 1991, William Cooper (who later was killed) wrote Behold a Pale Horse, detailing

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All About Big Brother Today

Learn All About Big Brother in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four. Orwell Foresaw America Today as the Global Elite Move in Closer Toward Their Totalitarian Regime and NWO. Orwell’s book 1984 is all about Big brother. At some point or another you’ve probably heard the phrase: ”Big Brother is watching”. Orwell’s book caught the imagination of people

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Alex Jones: Censorship Fight for Unlimited Access

People are Listening to Alex Jones on Internet Censorship Fight For Our Rights to Unlimited Internet Access. Since its inception, the internet has been used as a vital tool for gathering and sharing information without government censorship.  Listening to Alex Jones on internet censorship, the main internet service providers are making a push to use

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Airliner Photo of 9/11 Attack Doesn’t Match Official Story. The mainstream corporate media has this world by the throat, they bombard us with non-stop information, but quantity does not mean quality. We are purposely distracted from what is really going on in the world and fed prepackaged lies in order to increase control over us.

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