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Blog Category: Globalization

Reasons AIG Being Sold

AIG Being Sold After the Massive Government Bailout. People Should Take Note of Such Prominent Examples of Government and Big Business Merging and Beware of Fascistic Control. AIG being sold: AIG, the American International Group is an insurance company that has beaten the bankruptcy specter with the help of the U.S. government. Although they’ve received

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How Much was the AIG Bail Out?

The AIG Bail Out Totaled $180 Billion. When Our Government Dumps Large Amounts of Taxpayer Money Into Failing Corporations, an American Fascist State Becomes Empowered. The first AIG bail out came on September 16, just two days before the federal government would take over the company. It amounted to $75 billion after the company’s stock

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Agricultural Chemicals Deadly?

The Real Effects of Agricultural Chemicals on Our Bodies Are Hidden by Seemingly Credible Government Studies. Many Experts Claim, However, the True Effects Are Harmful. We might think that we live in a wonderful time and benefit from all sorts of advantages, but the truth is completely different. While many people believe that the president

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The First Agencies Reporting Credit

The Agencies Reporting Credit Serve Elite Agendas. Credit is a Scam That is Designed to Enslave People to Debt and a Lifetime of Tracking & Rating by NWO Bankers. The first agencies reporting credit began with Lewis Tappan, a 19th century businessman who was an unlikely person to establish the first system of collecting and

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Who is Against North American Union?

Those Against North American Union Understand That Combining the United States With Canada and Mexico Will Lead to the Destruction of the U.S. Constitution. Many against North American Union stand up and tell their tale. Those who truly understand what can result from such a union, and don’t cower in fear. They speak out and

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Where is Affordable Organic Food?

Why is Affordable Organic Food Hard to Find? Elites Put a Fast Food Chain on Every Corner While Using Federal Law to Restrict Healthy Alternatives & Sicken People. Affordable organic food is more than a challenge to purchase and virtually impossible to purchase as a regular diet for families in America. The cost of living

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