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Blog Category: Globalization

Socialist Views Affect the Educational System

How Misleading Changes in the 1970’s Affect the Educational System to This Day in a Negative Manner. In The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt illustrates how a group of Socialist-thinking people affect the educational system.  She details a disturbing history of the American school system that goes all the way back to the

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Believing in the Advantages of a Free Market Allows Citizens to Believe in the Illusion of a Better Future. The elite know that most everyone would like to believe in a future where all their needs are taken care of and they do not have to worry, so they are pushing the advantages of a

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American Advantage of Free Enterprise

What is the Advantage of Free Enterprise? Elites Would Have us Believe That the US Economic System is One of Free Capitalism but the Game Has Always Been Rigged. The advantage of free enterprise is a way to express the ability of any citizen to conduct affairs in the market according to their own choosing.

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Advanced Speech Recognition Could Spell Trouble

Advanced Speech Recognition is About to Become Part of the Governments Arsenal. Advanced speech recognition has been in the works for some time now. In fact it has had potential benefit for handicapped individuals. While the technology itself poses no threat it is how it is used that does. And once again by the time

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Advanced Bloodline & Power

You May Not Believe That an Advanced Bloodline Allows for Power and Corruption at All Costs, but There Are Those Who Believe Very Strongly in That Fact. We don’t believe in an advanced bloodline.  Unfortunately, there are those who believe they do come from a powerful, occultist bloodline.  And the people in this group come

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Illegal Activities About the Federal Reserve

All illegal Activities About the Federal Reserve Are Fraudulent and Let a Small Group of Elite Bankers Get Rich and Powerful From Your Hard Labor. The illegal activities about the Federal Reserve that are most harmful to Americans are illegal and unconstitutional. Yes, the Federal Reserve Banking system is fraudulent. The people who set it

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