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Blog Category: Globalization

Significant Accountability Quotations

Read a Collection of Accountability Quotations. Take a Moment to Examine Who is Accountable for Our Police State Today; We Allow Ourselves to be Ruled by Elites. Accountability quotations can offer enlightenment and inspiration to those who wish to pass along the spirit of personal responsibility and accountability. Enjoy the following quotes, and think of

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Access to Pharmaceuticals of Brand Name Versus Generic Drugs. People Seek Alternatives to the Rising Cost of Name Brand Drugs Pushed on Them by the Crooked FDA & AMA. Americans’ access to pharmaceuticals that are affordable for everyone is an issue which has long been going on in the United States. Due to the way

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What's at Stake when Abraham Lincoln is Elected President?

Union Crumbles When Abraham Lincoln is Elected President. The word secession had reared its ugly head long before Abraham Lincoln is elected president. After that it became an inevitability.  Throughout the 1850s the country had been arguing fiercely around such issues as state’s rights and slavery, and they became major issues in the 1860 Presidential

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About Abraham Lincoln Depression

Abraham Lincoln Depression Was Something He Lived With Throughout His Years. Although Nearly Debilitating, Lincoln’s Angst Did Not Stop Him From Achieving Greatness. Abraham Lincoln depression not with standing, is considered to be one of the greatest American presidents. What few people know is that Lincoln suffered from severe depression. As well as depression, he

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Abraham Lincoln Being Shot

Abraham Lincoln Being Shot Created a Somber Scene in the North. Although the Police Believed There to be a Conspiracy, the Assassination Was Likely the Work of One Man. In the Northern states, Abraham Lincoln being shot was a truly devastating event. Half the country solemnly mourned as they saw the leader who had managed

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Facts About the Federal Reserve

Americans Must Learn About the Federal Reserve. This Agency is Not Connected With the Federal Government. Their Sole Purpose is to Economically Enslave Americans. The truth about the Federal Reserve is, it is a private institution, owned by a criminal group of industrial and financial leaders. The Fed provides its owners with control over the

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