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Blog Category: Globalization

All About Federal Reserve System

Knowing About the Federal Reserve System and the Illuminati Bankers Who Have Absolute Control Over it Will Help Concerned Citizens Take Back Control of America. If one is keen to learn about the Federal Reserve System there are a couple of basic facts one needs to know. First, this is a privately-owned bank which controls

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About the European Union Elite

The Truth About the European Union Revealed. The EU Elite Are the Same Global Bankers Who Are Working in the Shadows to Create a Totalitarian World Government. The truth about the European Union elite bankers is unknown to many people. They have been blinded by the manipulative media for far too long and are accustomed

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Learn About the American Central Bank

Issues About the American Central Bank That Threaten Americans Are Total Control of People’s Economic Existence and the Introduction of the New World Order. The Federal Reserve is a central bank established in the beginning of the 20th century in direct opposition to the warnings of the United States’ Founding Fathers. This central bank is not part

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Learn About Journalism

The True Facts About Journalism Include Ulterior Motives and Specific Strategies Designed to Influence Individual Americans’ Perception of Their Community and World. What about journalism should you know? Isn’t the press and mainstream media important in our culture? This is what the media moguls would like you to think. However, the motives of establishing the

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About Big Brother Today

Our Current Nation is All About Big Brother. Orwell’s Imaginary Nation Has Become a Reality in the United States as We Further Suffocate Within the New World Order Regime. Big Brother today came from the book, 1984, by George Orwell. He wrote about a society, totalitarian in nature, with one of its main characters being

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A Few Words About Authority

If US Citizens Don’t Talk About Authority Soon, the Authority Stolen by Rogue Government Agents Will Create Slaves Out of Them All. Authority Quotes ”Society’s demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases.” John Adams ”Some who are too scrupulous to steal your possessions nevertheless see no wrong in

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