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Blog Category: Globalization

A Global Elite Has Taken the Reigns

A Global Elite is Destroying Our Constitution. They Are Intent on Enslaving Us for Their New World Order Totalitarian Government Which They Alone Will Control. A global elite is in place, and that global elite has been around since the beginning of the United States. They are working to take over the world by removing borders

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A Computer Surveillance System Today

The Government Uses a Computer Surveillance System to Watch Our Every Step. We Are Living in a Big Brother Police State Under Total Control by the Banking Elite. A computer surveillance system that watches over the movements of everything and everyone: Is this how our founders imagined the United States of America? Unfortunately, this most

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The 2002 Corporate Scandals Epidemic

The 2002 Corporate Scandals That Rocked Wall Street Were Manufactured Events by the New World Order Elite to Convince Us We Needed More Government Control. A wave of 2002 corporate scandals stunned the nation as major corporations like Tyco, Kmart, Halliburton, and Adelphia crippled the market and faced extinction. After the Enron scandal paved the

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Divide and Conquer Here Again: When Will Americans Learn?

Remember the banking scandals and financial meltdown of 2008? For the first time, the secret manipulations of the “banksters” were blatantly exposed for all to see. In a historic first, people around the world became more focused on exposing the greed and corruption of the elite 1% than on fighting against each other in the

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Power to the People! Remember John Lennon

Over the past two weeks, with next to no media coverage, the United States has moved substantially closer toward open military confrontation with both Russia and China, the second- and third-ranked nuclear powers in the world. On October 3, the United States threatened, for the first time since the Cold War, to directly attack the

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A City in California Stood Up to Tyranny and Blocked 5G technology Cell Tower, Sets Precedent

First, there was 3G, then 4G and now we are heading into the era of 5G technology, while this is said to be an improvement it is also bringing with it harmful ultra-high microwave frequency radiation. People who have raised their voices about the dangers that the technology will bring and who have talked about safety

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