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Blog Category: Government

Red Alert: Every The American Needs to Read, this is NOT a Joke!

It never ceases to amaze me just how blatantly obvious these puppets of the elites we call politicians are being about their depopulation-new-world-order agenda. A democrat congressional candidate in Pennsylvania has desires to tax parents who have more than two children as “irresponsible breeders.”In Denmark, the first eugenics law was passed in 1926, under the Social Democrats, with more legislation being

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Hell Hath No Fury Like a Mother with a Vaccine Injured Son who Also Happens to be a District Attorney

Anne Marie Schubert is a long-time prosecutor for Sacramento.  Murderers and rapists and child molesters are par for the course when it comes to Schubert’s career path. But now she’s battling a new demon and in this case, she is against the ropes for the first time in her long illustrious career. Schubert, 53, took

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Veteran Dies in Police Custody - His Family Wants to Know why His Organs are Missing

Everett Palmer Jr. was a United States Army Veteran and a father of two before he died mysteriously in police custody earlier this year. Now, the local coroner is claiming that the cause of death is still undetermined, and Palmer’s family is demanding to know what happened and why several of his organs were taken

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U.S. Health & Human Services NEVER Performed Vaccine Safety Testing as Required by Law

I don’t know how any person in their right mind would still vaccinate themselves or their children after this EXPLOSIVE truth bomb. U.S. Health and Human Services NEVER performed Vaccine Safety testing as required by Law. Big Pharma vaccine safety testing lasts only four or five days. Thanks to the remarkable legal work being done

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The Truth About Pediatric Child Abuse Experts

A common denominator in many of the cases of medical kidnapping cases all across America is the presence of a Pediatric Child Abuse Specialist doctor. There are one too many stories where a parent takes a child to a hospital for one reason or another, only to find themselves accused of child abuse by a

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The Truth About "The Deep State"

Parts of this shadowy network — the Council on Foreign Relations (shown), the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, and more — are sometimes visible to the public, even if the establishment media rarely highlight the significance. Other powerful elements are practically invisible: Secret societies such as Skull and Bones and the Bohemian Grove, for example, which are described here. But combined, it is clear that the

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