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Blog Category: Government

The War on Drugs: Complete Failure!

The war on drugs is bullshit.  Let’s be honest.  As with every other war, America just doesn’t ever end wars.  We drag them out forever and it becomes obvious the “enemy” we’re declaring war on, is controlled by the same tyrants making the declaration of said war.  Sabotage from the beginning. Drug overdoses are now

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What Every Parent Needs To Know

If Facebook brought you to this link then you probably already know how much I’ve been sounding the alarm about Child Protective Services and Medical Kidnapping.  With corruption running rampant it’s no surprise that our children are now just cash cows to certain industries who buy off our politicians and place their minions within the

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5 Industry Shills To Watch Out For

In every industry corruption will take hold. Anytime a profit is to be made there will always be ones who will exploit it.  It’s just not safe anymore to trust your doctor, the FDA, CDC,  the pharmaceutical companies and even the medical schools.  Follow the  money.  That will always show you who’s controlling what.  Including

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Israel, This American Wants A Divorce!

How many times have you heard about Israel our so-called representatives make these statements: “Israel is the only democratic state in the region and is our ally.  An attack on Israel will be treated like an attack on the United States.  There is no greater ally than our friends in Israel.” I could go on

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Awakening In The Zombie Apocalypse

I find it to be fascinating that when you start to wake up to the truth, on whatever level that may be, you really see society and the world for what it is.  It feels like a social experiment. When you try to awakening those around you or in your online network you will hear

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America’s Dirty Secret

I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to what’s in the headlines about the dark side of Hollyweird (Hollywood), but just in case you have been busy living your life trying to pay your bills I’ll provide a little recap about America’s Dirty Secret. Harvey Weinstein is an American film producer and former film

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