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Blog Category: Health & Wellness

Large Companies Reap Benefits For Genetically Modified Food, But Average People Are Left in the Dark on Side Effects. The benefits for genetically modified food go primarily to the companies who develop and patent the seeds for the plants that have been modified, shutting out traditional seed-keeping farmers and leaving consumers out of the loop

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America is Ignoring The Benefit of Organic Food. Our Fast-Paced Fast-Food Culture is Severely Lacking in Guidance About Nutrition & Health; the NWO Wants Us to be Sick. There is so much benefit of organic food, yet most people stick to the genetically modified foods on the grocery shelf; synthetic foods are the usual American

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Benefit of Eating Organic Food is Ridding Your Body and the Environment of Toxins. A benefit of eating organic food is to restore your depleted body and rid your body of toxins from the commercial foods that hold little or no nutritional value. The commercial foods come from intensive mass farming that plant one crop

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Why is Baby Vaccination Coming Under Scrutiny? Officials Deny an Autism Association With Vaccinations but Much Evidence Exists to Show a Direct Link. Just a single baby vaccination has a great deal of risk associated with it. Sadly, most people are unaware of just how many children have suffered permanent disability or died as a

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Autism Vaccinations Are Linked to the Disease They Are Meant to Protect Our Children From, Yet the Government Chooses to Deny It. The NWO Agenda is to Sicken the Masses. The DTSS U.S. review of autism vaccinations have stirred up a great deal of controversy. The fight is between concerned parents who have seen a

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Asset Forfeiture in California the Unfair Practice of Property Seizure. Each year, thousands of citizens have property and funds seized by the government under existing laws and statutes pertaining to Asset Forfeiture in California. The program was initiated during the ‘’War on Drugs’’, with the purpose of making drug operations effectively inoperable, and using confiscated

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